Where will college coaches be recruiting in June...

Why spend any money at all? Watch some videos. Hold a camp. Talk to coaches. Visit a game that is local to you. Make some offers.

Wouldn’t that throw the “elite” leagues into a tizzy?
Then the "elite" leagues and the ones sipping the kool aid would the one doing ...
I can just see these kids sitting around their dorm room next year. Probably passing a bong while procrastinating about studying.
"Man, I can't believe we didn't win National Cup last Spring. My life is gonna suck now. I should probably quit college and flip burgers. If only my dad could have made a difference by calling Cal-South and having our schedule changed. And remember that one ref when we were 11 years old? He gave that PK to that cheating slammersurfpateadorsgalaxy team and they beat us in the Whogivesacrap Cup semi-finals? I'm still so depressed from that. Got any more weed?"