When does SCDSL release Bracket Info?

Sorry, I wasn’t clear. There wasn’t a Strikers north team last year in champions....so how are they a discovery team this year if there’s promotion and relegation?

I believe that team came from CDA SLAMMERS FC Whittier. Which is why they wouldn’t show up as strikers last season.
Is there a reason scores are not posted for 2008 and younger?
They were posted last year. I only seem them for 2007 and above.
Thanks to any of you who know the reason why and care to share.
This is from the 2011 forum...

The difference here though is 2008 and 2009 ages are 9v9 this year, and scores were posted for 9v9 games last year. SCDSL either changed their policy on posting scores for these ages or the website isn't working correctly. It's worth noting that 9v9 age team managers are not specifically instructed to not post scores, so scores of these games can more consistently be found in the match reports than for the 7v7 ages.