Thank you for starting this post. While there has been a ton of information already posted, it is probably time to just put all the information (notice I did not use the term facts because those are becoming harder and harder to come by) out there. None of this is meant to hurt the child but to raise a very serious issue. It is also because some CalSouth Board members have chosen to completely go against the investigation authority and mountains of evidence that points to an 'ineligible' player playing through the games to date.
But, before anything else gets said, lets all remember that this is about a 10/11 year old child. The adults surrounding this situation are the ones that this is about and the lessons that come out of this....
Youth sports plays a major role in our kids lives and helps them learn values of teamwork, discipline, honesty and integrity. In this case, we do not see that. It will be interesting to see how long this child has to have fake birthdays to substantiate a 2006 birthday.
Thanks spineless CalSouth for completely disposing of the core values you espouse.
Core Values:
Excellence | Passion | Integrity | Innovation | Development
Although this is a very well written message, it was based on hearsay, as it states more than once. However, many of you people are writing in commenting on it as fact. Do your own research people. Call CalSouth, as I did. And call Anaheim Surf, as I did. Here is what I learned.
CalSouth will not release any evidence that was submitted to them or used to originally DQ Anaheim Surf. What does that mean? Anyone who states what that evidence is, is speculating on hearsay. Hearsay is just another word for rumor. You will not get any information from CalSouth.
Anaheim Surf states that their appeal process was late getting to CalSouth. They were doing due diligence on their own before starting it. All the paperwork that Anaheim Surf has, states that this player in question was born in 2006. The player's school was called to continue to verify her birth date. (Because who else would have a history of a 10 year old? What other legal ID's does a 10 year old have besides a birth certificate. A passport is based on a birth certificate and so is any other legal ID that a person may acquire in life.) The appeal committee did not meet until after closing hours on Friday. Legal representation from Surf was present to present the evidence of what they had, and no one from the Surf organization was. It was a closed door meeting. No one knows what happened in that meeting except the CalSouth committee and the legal representatives. (My research was done before the meeting took place.) All that was released afterwards was that Anaheim Surf was reinstated to play.
All else is suspect to hearsay. Please read this person's post carefully before accusing a Club, it's coach, and parents of misconduct.
The parents of LAGSB and Anaheim Surf have obviously been through a lot this week. I feel sorry for the girls of LAGSB were who told that they were playing and now aren't, but that's on CalSouth. LAGSB is a good team and good organization. And I feel sorry for the parents and players of Anaheim Surf for having to go through the pain of waiting out an appeals process that happened so late. As of right now, their coach, club, and player in question, is innocent. You should all be adults and speak professionally about this situation. CalSouth should be ashamed of the process and service that they provided this week. I hope that they have learned their lesson.
Concerned Parent's "Pondering" issues:
1) "BW is a CalSouth ODP coach" True. Not sure what you mean by this or what you are trying to say.
2) "Why did CQ and RC choose to overrule this ruling at 7PM the night before the game?" As I stated, there was a closed door meeting after hours. Seems that everything CalSouth does is closed doors. Doesn't seem right or fair to the people paying to play.
3) "Did no parent on AS team really know about this?" Good question. Since the current evidence that Anaheim Surf presented was enough to prove innocence, at the moment, I would have to think that they did not know. Why would a parent ever ask that question? Have you (anyone reading this) asked that question about a player on your team? As parents on the sideline, I'm sure we've joked about it regarding the size of some of these kids on opposing teams, but never was serious about it.
4) "Why did Anaheim Surf not do something about this when it was raised to them months ago?"If it was brought to them in the past, why do you say that they didn't? They have all their documentation that says the player was born in 2006. So why continue to press the issue based on hearsay?
5) "Do we really believe the coach didn't know about this when many other coaches knew about this?" You are stating that the hearsay you discuss, and admit to, is truth. How many coaches actually see a birth certificate? They ask how old a player is and the parents tell them, from my experience. The club manager then collects the birth certificate and registration and turns it in to the registrar. Do you think that an ODP coach would jeopardize a career over one player? Do you think that San Diego Surf would want to tarnish their reputation over a questionable coach? I personally think this question you ask is shallow.
My pondering issue:
1) Wouldn't CalSouth have records of this player? Where are those? If the parents changed the name of the player, I would guess not. But..if school records were used to claim her innocence, then the name could never have been changed. The school wouldn't have a history of a new name or they wouldn't know who the questioner was talking about. The school evidence is quite substantial if you think about it. In my opinion, it seems that CalSouth jumped when not checking into the situation deep enough. CalSouth has more culpability to the suffering caused to families in this than anyone else, in my opinion.
I hope that the girls are allowed to play the game to the best of their abilities without the parents getting involved on Saturday. It would be an even greater tragedy if parents created an issue on the sidelines. Win or lose, the parents should be proud of the success of their daughters and teams this season and congratulate the winning team.