According to the CalSouth email, the resignation was effective 2/16:
l South District 3 Commissioner Sue Abadie resigned from her position effective February 16, 2017. We thank Sue for her years of dedication and service as Cal South District 3 Commissioner and Board Member. This resignation leaves a vacancy for the District 3 Commissioner position.
This position will be a two-year term position and is scheduled for election during the 1st quarter of 2019 with a new two-year term starting at the 2019 Annual Board Meeting (ABM); the Nominations and Elections Committee (NEC) has been tasked to seek candidates and make recommendations to the Cal South Board to fill the position for the remaining current Term.
Duties and Responsibilities of District Commissioners
These are some of the responsibilities of the District 3 Commissioner as stated in the Cal South Bylaws:
Subject to the control of the Board, the duties of a District Commissioner shall include, but not be limited to the following:
- Each District Commissioner shall be thoroughly familiar with the Bylaws, Rules and Regulations, Risk Management Policy, and Protest, Appeal and Disciplinary Policy of Cal South, and shall be thoroughly familiar with the insurance program and each program provided by Cal South for the benefit of all Members of whatever class. Whenever there is doubt and uncertainty regarding any program or benefit, a ruling shall be obtained from the President.
- Each District Commissioner shall submit a written report to the Secretary regarding all activities within his or her District not later than thirty (30) days prior to the AGM.
- Each District Commissioner, or his or her designated Assistant District Commissioner (in a nonvoting capacity), shall attend each meeting of the Board. Attendance of an Assistant District Commissioner at a meeting of the Board shall NOT constitute presence of the District Commissioner for purposes of establishing a quorum.
- Each District Commissioner, or his or her designated Assistant District Commissioner, when invited, shall use best efforts to attend the annual meeting of each Affiliate Member within the District who grants an invitation, and shall serve as an advisor to each Affiliate Member.
- Each District Commissioner shall attend Affiliate Member meetings and meetings of the Board of each Affiliate Member as frequently as possible, especially when invited to any such meeting.
- Each District Commissioner shall keep complete and accurate documentation of all activities during his term in office, which shall be deemed part of the official records of the Corporation. Each District Commissioner shall tender all such documents and records to the successor District Commissioner and shall assist the elected successor District Commissioner in assuming the duties of the office.
- Each District Commissioner shall submit to the Secretary, to be kept in the official records of the Corporation, a true and correct copy of all documentation relating to all activities during his term in office.
- Each District Commissioner shall have the authority to suspend and hold hearings pursuant to the Cal South policy manual.
The position is a Volunteer position with a time commitment ranging from at least ten (10) hours to twenty (20) hours per month.
Any interested candidate, please send your bio and resume to the NEC, by Wednesday, March 15th, in care of:
NEC Chair: Humberto Jara
Phone Number: 323-308-8762
Submission Deadline: March 15th, 2017
Humberto Jara
Chairman, Nominations & Elections Committee