What Thanksgiving tournaments are being held in Nevada, Arizona, and Utah?

I think we can assume it is all stay and play.

Thanks to @VegasParent and @tjinaz for the info.

Can anyone tell me about the level of competition at Vegas Thanksgiving Classic or Desert Super Cup? Or who is thinking of going?
In what way do you find me "creepy"? And what does "creepy" mean anyway?
creepy as in youre like 80 years old and dont have any kids playing in youth soccer. you add no value to your posts, because its been decades since you could even relate. You're only on here because youve become a scared hermit and this is your only way of communicating with the outside world. kind of sad but you know its true.
Sereno and RSL merged.. Sereno is now RSL-AZ. Either way. If you think it is sketchy don't come. It will likely sell out early next month anyway. With tournament at Silverlakes not likely to happen there is probably enough local teams to fill it. At Cactus Kickoff we had teams from CO, NM as well as CA so.. our fields are in demand. My team is already registered and they are saying already 70% full.
Sereno gave up the Thanksgiving weekend prior to becoming RSL. I never said the tournament was sketchy, merely pointed out who ran it and that it is a relatively new one.
It's only sketchy if the hotels jack up the prices and feed back part of the bonus to the organizers without disclosure. We participated a tournament organized by USL in Illinois that offered a group discount at the headquarters hotel and let half our team stay with relatives in the area. On the other hand, our team lost in the National Cup semifinals the year the Regionals were held in Albuquerque so we just missed the bullet where the compulsory hotels provided by the organizing committee were about 20% above market.
I always thought everyone knew that stay & play meant that the tournament organizer is getting a kick back. Any large/good tournament has it and providing the hotels are reasonably priced, it is what it is.

I know of one local (AZ) club that gets $300K+ from hotel commissions. That same club has elite platforms and nobody (coaches, DOCs) are making big bucks form the club. That revenue (from excellent tournaments) allows them to offer/support those elite platforms. I have no problem with that model (my kids don't play for that club).

The models I hate (really :mad:) are
- the Vegas tournaments which require 100% up front 60 days out with a zero cancellation policy for any reason. You can get out of it if, for example, your kid gets injured and you get your club to go to bat for you - but no guarantee
- or the 3 night min, but no 4 game guarantee, i.e. if I have to stay Fri, Sat & Sun, then I better be guaranteed a game on Mon
If you are even thinking of going you better register soon. Looking at the Arsenal Challenge tournament brackets Super Cup will be full soon. And by full I mean if you looked at the teams playing you would think it was San Diego. Big big turnout from SoCal and some from Colorado. Need to make sure us locals have a spot this week.

May want to look at Royals Cup same club as Cactus Kickoff but October 23-25th 2020. Not in Scottsdale but further East in Mesa.

If you are even thinking of going you better register soon. Looking at the Arsenal Challenge tournament brackets Super Cup will be full soon. And by full I mean if you looked at the teams playing you would think it was San Diego. Big big turnout from SoCal and some from Colorado. Need to make sure us locals have a spot this week.

May want to look at Royals Cup same club as Cactus Kickoff but October 23-25th 2020. Not in Scottsdale but further East in Mesa.

teams will travel out of state to play AYSO all stars or have the GOATS been renamed?
I think we can assume it is all stay and play.

Thanks to @VegasParent and @tjinaz for the info.

Can anyone tell me about the level of competition at Vegas Thanksgiving Classic or Desert Super Cup? Or who is thinking of going?
Vegas Thanksgiving Classic has a team list up with participants. Desert Super Cup no list, but I asked a representative and was told girls U16 has 18 teams already.