What happened to THE Luis Andres thread?

Kids watching themselves and kids breaking down film are 2 separate concepts. It's one of many mistakes he's making.

You guys are talking like I’m the head coach of a college soccer team going over film play by play but it’s not like that at all. It’s more like I recorded the games and she’s curious to just watch the game on the computer. Occasionally if I feel there is something that they could have done better as a team, and usually just defensively I engage her by showing her that part and ask her a question to engage her thought process and then adding my own take on the play.
. Occasionally if I feel there is something that they could have done better as a team, and usually just defensively I engage her by showing her that part and ask her a question to engage her thought process and then adding my own take on the play.
If she enjoys it cool. As I mentioned before, it's more likely she's getting stuff from your tone of voice and your questions than watching the video itself. Kudos for using the question method instead of lecturing her. But where you want to be careful is talking about the rest of the team (especially the keeper). It's not really your place to be critiquing the other players (which is remember where we started this entire trainwreck) and you aren't the coach (maybe the coach wants to handle it a different way, even if he's wrong). If you don't have the confidence in the coach, you really do have to find a new team...and if you really think you can't trust any coach, as I mentioned before become a United coach and coach her yourself. And it's bad enough to critique other players in front of us...to do so in front of your daughter (even if it's meant in the spirit of improvement instead of spite) is one of the worst things you can do....at best you are turning her into a know-it-all that will presume she knows better than her teammates and at worst you are undermining her confidence in her coach and her team. If you really must have her hear your critiques, critique the pros in front of her.
“Sow a thought, reap an action; sow an action, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny.”

I once read a book in my college days called the 7 Habits of highly effective people and this quote was in there. And it has stuck with me as the framework for success in anything you do in life be it business, sports, art, music etc. I’m not a soccer expert but I can tell you I’ve read the biographies of many elite professional players and they all have one thing in common. They were able to develop the passion and the love for the sport at a very young age and they were able to create down stream focus in the process to get to their destiny. What do I mean by downstream focus? It’s the act of doing the necessary things that you have to do and knowing when you need to do it without forcing yourself and hating the process. It’s falling in love with the process because you’ve built the necessary habits that are defining who you are as a person. Your character.

All I’m doing is filling my DD with powerful thoughts and concepts in her head to help set her values, beliefs and principles to do well in life. By telling her some stories of famous people that have accomplished great things in life. It’s called modeling. Having planted those thoughts in her head, have gotten her to create actions where she feels positive for acting like her role models. Those actions that she’s planted have turned into daily habits that are starting to define who she may become. Hopefully into a good human being is all I could ask for and that her principles are aligned with her ambitions in life. It’s up to her to sow her character in the future and if she is able to do that she will reap her destiny. So far so good. I can say in the beginning she met me with a little friction but after explaining why building soccer fundamentals were so important at a young age and showing her that her role models were doing the same, she started to enjoy the process.
“Sow a thought, reap an action; sow an action, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny.”

I once read a book in my college days called the 7 Habits of highly effective people and this quote was in there. And it has stuck with me as the framework for success in anything you do in life be it business, sports, art, music etc. I’m not a soccer expert but I can tell you I’ve read the biographies of many elite professional players and they all have one thing in common. They were able to develop the passion and the love for the sport at a very young age and they were able to create down stream focus in the process to get to their destiny. What do I mean by downstream focus? It’s the act of doing the necessary things that you have to do and knowing when you need to do it without forcing yourself and hating the process. It’s falling in love with the process because you’ve built the necessary habits that are defining who you are as a person. Your character.

All I’m doing is filling my DD with powerful thoughts and concepts in her head to help set her values, beliefs and principles to do well in life. By telling her some stories of famous people that have accomplished great things in life. It’s called modeling. Having planted those thoughts in her head, have gotten her to create actions where she feels positive for acting like her role models. Those actions that she’s planted have turned into daily habits that are starting to define who she may become. Hopefully into a good human being is all I could ask for and that her principles are aligned with her ambitions in life. It’s up to her to sow her character in the future and if she is able to do that she will reap her destiny. So far so good. I can say in the beginning she met me with a little friction but after explaining why building soccer fundamentals were so important at a young age and showing her that her role models were doing the same, she started to enjoy the process.

On the one hand, you have been unfairly ganged up on during this flack - - the sanctimonious mob has nagged you with repetitive scoldings and has been unnecessarily caustic in their attacks. On the other hand, you keep playing the masochist by coming back for more. You crazy kids enjoy yourselves.