These are all very good points. In saying the TD was “pushed out,” I was characterizing what happened the way the a previous poster did, as did boardmembers who apprently took pride in saying they forced him out. But indeed, it seems the board made changes that the TD found untenable, so he resigned.
My issue with the SMU board is the hubris and misrepresentations made to more than one parent on our team and a couple of others. The pride in forcing out the TD (or maneuvering his resignation, depending on whose perspective) is one example. The idea of turning SMU into a superclub because a couple of teams have had a remarkably good run, despite the statisical likelihood that the % of talent to sustain it along with the other clubs, probably does not exist on the westside, is another.
Yet another, and perhaps more telling, anecdote is that more than one boardmember/parent said that the board’s goal in growing was to snap up as many players as possible on the westside for the primary purpose of crowding out other clubs for fieldspace on the westside. Their rationale was that, had they not rejected a group of AYSO players, they would not be conpeting for field space with FC England (sorry, Paul). Maybe the parents were just blowing smoke, which is its own problem. But that’s the attitude, and that’s what I have a problem with.
This is kids’ soccer development, after all, not Wall Street. Parents or players might not pick up on the attitude directly... Maybe they do in how the club makes decisions and communicates them. Plus, most parents probably won’t notice and aren’t focused on how the board operates if or until there’s a problem (I first noticed thanks to poor communication). I personally prefer to steer clear.
I’m happy kids have choices like FC England or LA Vikings (and even VBFC, run by one of SMU’s excellent girls team coaches), even if these clubs don’t have teams for every age level. And whatever I might think about SMU’s goals, which seem mixed and contradictory at times (elite large club?), I vehemently disagree with its motivations, at least, as they were described to me, with pride, in the short time before we left.
As for the merger, I also hope it works. There are very good people and good coaches at Breakers and FCLA, and the board structure (coach driven, vs parent driven) should give it some continuity in the long term. I have nothing against these two clubs, and they have always been receptive to my kids, even if I decided different coaches were a better fit in the end. Plus, it makes conplete sense, given their shared location and relative positions within SCSDL.