There is truth to all of these opinions, and many factors that can't be generalized simply to make a point. As a parent who has kids who play on a club because our collective agreement is that they like it enough to be as competitive as possible , and they are good enough where it makes sense. It is my desire that they put their best foot forward and I giving them a chance to try and excel. This is a choice , why, because we are trying to get the best out of the opportunity. Of course each child matures on the pitch as they do in life. That is why it's important to be realistic. Unfortunately, a lot of parents fail and believe that their kid is the diamond in the rough. Hence they push and well we all know that it's not always the best approach.
As a result of all this, parents plunge money into clubs for some of the wrong reasons, even go the the best club, because if my kid is on the best club that wins. My kid will be a winner. Winning seems to be the be all end all. What better way to show that winning is good. Winning league, winning every tournament including state and hopefully national. We all fall for it to some degree, which is why there are so many current tournaments, and as new clubs emerge, so will new tournaments. Doesn't always work out as many clubs have multiple teams for every age group, and well, there are only so many spots on its top teams.
In the end. It's about the money, always has been. Large or small, each and every club/league uses tournaments to make money, the more prestigious tournament, the more we as parents have to have our kids on a team that are invited or are playing in said tournament. Then to make matters worse, as they get older. Tournaments are geared to advertising that college scouts are attending these tournaments. Now my kid will be seen, will get that elusive scholarship. It was all worth it. That's basically the breakdown. I know, as I was writing this I thought it was more complex.
After all I am a simple soccer parent who has seen a lot in a few years, and still have a few more to go. I was fortunate to have my kids join a club that recognizes these issues, and even more so to find coaches that realize it too. Yet even within the club, I have seen coaches who still play too many tournaments. In the end, it's about what is best for the kids, as parents, we should find the happy median. It might not appeal to the masses for winning, but I have always told my kids. I don't care if your team didn't win, if you played your best, and if your team also tried their best as well and you see improvement. Then that's fine. TBuhat might not work for every parent, child, club, team, coach, or organization, but in the end each family makes their decisions and if discussed with all involved, hopefully in the future, so realistic and positive changes can be implemented. Until then, see you on the pitch....