Was George Washington a treasonous bastard like the confederates? Were GW statues erected for the express purpose of glorifying racism and ensuring black people still knew who was boss despite their pathetic showing in the Civil War? Did GW go to war for the express purpose of maintaining slavery?
Little p**y is making his “whatabout-ism” argument because he’s too chicken to come right out and say how much he idolizes statues of racist, treasonous pieces of sh*t who should have been shot on-site. He needs to make up false equivalencies if he’s to have any hope of supporting racism without actually having to admit what he’s doing. You think Tucker Carlson taught you well, but we know you’re both idiots and racist s**tbags who worship traitors to our country who find slavery more important than being an American. Well, your b.s. is a “lost cause”.
Happy Juneteenth racists!
I have no problem with protests. I support them. I don’t support Riots, Looting, Assaults, and Vandalism. Big, big difference.
I’m not accusing you of anything. The only thing I would accuse you of is that you are a little trigger happy with the Nazi, Racist, Bigot, etc., etc. name calling.
You do have good and interesting things to say, but the message gets lost when you don’t use your big-person/adult words and duck into the name calling.
Like I keep saying, there’s no helping dumb people who don’t want to hear. You can only mock them. Pretty soon they’ll be vanished to 4Chan.
No one is criticizing Brees for standing for National Anthem. No one is calling Brees a racist, because he did an admirable job of listening and learning. I wrote earlier about the rhetorical method of de-legitimizing the sincerity of Brees’ apology because that’s the only way of reconciling the fact that Brees is telling you that your deeply held belief is wrong.
Another rhetorical technique is what you are doing now. Specifically, you’re accusing me of being upset with Brees although you’re the one with the problem with his final word. I have already stated my full-throated (that was for the homophobes of the bunch) support of Brees. If you can’t de-legitimize Brees, it doesn’t leave you any options other than to just flat out lie about his position. Well, too bad, so sad.
Calling me a Nazi was pretty obvious. I know you really want to insult me about how I feel about religion, but you’re chicken. You don’t want to rehash how your god supported stoning gay folk.
The latest awakening of consciousness about our racist history is really bumming some people out, such as yourself.
It’s ok, we will be fine. America is a resilient nation and dealing with hard truths about our past and present is a good thing.
Tell me something, fruit loop. If all gay people want is equality, why the emphasis on nudity? Is that what regular people do? Or are you just a bunch of attention whores?
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I have no problem with police. I support them. I don’t support racist cops, especially the ones who murder black people. Big, big difference.
Thanks for the compliment.
Was George Washington a treasonous bastard like the confederates? Were GW statues erected for the express purpose of glorifying racism and ensuring black people still knew who was boss despite their pathetic showing in the Civil War? Did GW go to war for the express purpose of maintaining slavery?
Little p**y is making his “whatabout-ism” argument because he’s too chicken to come right out and say how much he idolizes statues of racist, treasonous pieces of sh*t who should have been shot on-site. He needs to make up false equivalencies if he’s to have any hope of supporting racism without actually having to admit what he’s doing. You think Tucker Carlson taught you well, but we know you’re both idiots and racist s**tbags who worship traitors to our country who find slavery more important than being an American. Well, your b.s. is a “lost cause”.
Happy Juneteenth racists!
Hey Dumbshit, EOTL is my mouthpiece now.
But I will say that you are really shamefully stupid and you can blow it out your ass.
But try not to be mad that racism is getting called out everywhere...it’s good for the country.
The gays at least have enough brains to stay out of Covid-19 and piss filled pools when they take off their shirts.
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I am a Christian along with many other BLACK Christians. I could 100% absolutely care less about what classless human being like yourself thinks. You exude low class and ignorance which is why it is so comical to the rest of us. You also carry yourself the same way the Nazi’s did. Difference is that Jews at least have class. Auschuwitz still stands along with many other Anti-Semitic monuments around the world. There also Egyptian like monuments everywhere. Jews were slaves too.
I would say your wisdom is only surpassed by your ignorance but I don’t see much wisdom for you and only discrimination towards White people (and probably only White Cops). You are the racist Nazi, not us.
At least I have your picture.
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Wait just one second. Are you seriously misrepresenting that you’re black and are the spokesperson for black christians? Or black anyone? You might want to run this by the black friend that all of you pretend to have.
Hey @EOTL While I'm at it. I have been arrested, TWICE! I accepted my wrong doing and handled it LIKE A MAN.
1. If you are under probation (4 charges!!!), you should probably think twice about driving while drunk, yet alone falling asleep in the drive thru.
2. Don't resist arrest.
3. Don't take the Taser from the Police Officer when resisting arrest.
4. Don't punch a Police Officer while resisting arrest.
5. Don't point the Taser back at the Police Officer while running away resisting arrest.
This had nothing to do with racism Nazi and everything to do with compliance. Since when was it a right to resist arrest? If Brooks WAS A MAN, none of this would have happened. None of it. Had Brooks have been WHITE and acted the same way, it would have had the same outcome.
I absolutely can't wait for this Officer to be acquitted.
Keep making excuses. It's what holds any and everyone down.
Wait just one second. Are you seriously misrepresenting that you’re black and are the spokesperson for black christians? Or black anyone? You might want to run this by the black friend that all of you pretend to have.
So you’re not among the undoubtedly substantial number of Trumpies who deny the holocaust like they deny everything else? Did you see where your team had a social media ad pulled yesterday for Nazi imagery? It’s a very thin line...I am a Christian along with many other BLACK Christians. I could 100% absolutely care less about what classless human being like yourself thinks. You exude low class and ignorance which is why it is so comical to the rest of us. You also carry yourself the same way the Nazi’s did. Difference is that Jews at least have class. Auschuwitz still stands along with many other Anti-Semitic monuments around the world. There also Egyptian like monuments everywhere. Jews were slaves too.
I would say your wisdom is only surpassed by your ignorance but I don’t see much wisdom for you and only discrimination towards White people (and probably only White Cops). You are the racist Nazi, not us.
At least I have your picture.
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You are a Racist Nazi. Why does it matter what color I am?!?!? I likely have 100x more black friends than you, either from Church or my long career in the sport of Basketball from playing all the way through D1 (I warmed the bench, lol), to the 15 years of coaching experience. I could absolutely school you in a 90s hip hop lesson. You are just talking out of your ass not knowing who is on the other side.
I also live outside of New Orleans ('00) for a little while. I was shooting hoops by myself when I was jumped by 4 black men because I was White, however, it was another Black man who rescued me. Ended up he was a Former New Orleans Gang Banger turned good. Had many of good nights hanging with him after. One of the absolute best people that was ever a part of my life. Although I grew up with many black friends in the suburbs, he showed me what it's like to really grow up in Ghetto and what he had to fight to get through it. Last I knew, he was a New Orleans Police Officer.
That said, my Black, Latino, or Asian family friends sit on both sides of the aisle. We can debate all night without too much tension, sometimes it can get heavy but in the end, we respect each other.
You can take your racism and stick it so far up your ass, I hope you regurgitate it as something positive. You are the discriminating. Not me.
Happy Juneteenth.
So you’re not among the undoubtedly substantial number of Trumpies who deny the holocaust like they deny everything else? Did you see where your team had a social media ad pulled yesterday for Nazi imagery? It’s a very thin line...
The more I read, the more I think you and your fake black friend don’t have a good handle on overall black sentiment.
What he will say:
Rayshard Brooks funeral in Atlanta concludes with uplifting song
The funeral for Rayshard Brooks is underway at the historic Ebenezer Baptist Church on Atlanta's Auburn Avenue. Seating for the funeral was by invitation only. Ebenezer is located in the Martin Luther King Jr. historic district.www.ajc.com
Who does?I have no problem with police. I support them. I don’t support racist cops, especially the ones who murder black people. Big, big difference.