Nike driving her "bus" now, not Dad and Mom. That could be a good thing given Dad's over-eagerness since the age of 8yrs--"my daughter will be the best soccer player in the World." Playing with the boys, much older girls, European clubs, etc. were all moves to make her "unique" from a marketing angle, not necessarily a better player. That's clear. It worked. Move to Portland puts her in Nike backyard. Guessing she will get top level soccer training and an internship at HQ in Beaverton. Look for A LOT more social media content from her too--she will be this generation's social media girls soccer representative posting all sorts of soccer related content and make money from that too. In that sense I don't see her as being any different than any of the young social media "stars" currently making good coin on Youtube, etc. So, good for her.
As someone mentioned above, the sponsorship all but guarantees her a shot on the USWNT at some point. Imo, some of the women on that team are only still there because of Nike sponsorship. But they are probably the one's who are most miffed/mystified by this deal---can you imagine if an unproven 13yr old gets a deal worth similar $$ as xyz (insert your Nike sponsored USWNT player other than highly paid Alex Morgan here). Not sure if she's still eligible as pro to play on the GNTs? In all objectivity, I didn't think she stood out on the GNTu15 last Fall. Good but similar to her teammates. Not "phenom"-level.
All of that said, I think good move for her to take the Nike deal now. The only new thing that she gives up is college sports eligibility -- and aren't the top college girls playing to hopefully make pro or USWNT anyway? -- she's already got that door open with this deal. And can always go to UNC or another 4-year college for her education if that's what she wants to do. But, since all of her eggs are in the soccer basket, if it doesn't work out, she will likely coach or do something in soccer anyway because her career path was already chosen/narrowed by her parents at 6yrs.
If Pulisic can do it, why not her? Granted, his Nike deal didn't come at 13. Drop in the financial bucket for Nike. No downside for them.
Maybe Nike will now start making some good quality soccer shoes for kids