Trump and his supporters loves this shutdown

From maroon 5 to airports and hotels and a huge staff. Notice the direction of cash flow! High cost!
Worse yet, their performance is not a “capital asset” and therefore, unlike a house (ie a capital asset), they pay much higher taxes on their profit.
See how stupid you are? Too stupid to even be embarrassed. This is why you’re poor. You don’t understand the first thing about how to make a buck. Yet you show off on here.
Sounds like Maroon 5 could use your help managing their assets.
This is embarrassing for you. I know your smack is weak but now your just one big epic fail. Maybe this is just your multiple personalities messing you up. You better get to a shrink before you breakdown on the forum...

Now now, GoBear, what are you so hot and bothered about? Daddy cut off your allowance?
Or maybe a tough night playing cornhole down at the bar? That is one of your sports, isn’t it?
Now now, GoBear, what are you so hot and bothered about? Daddy cut off your allowance?
Or maybe a tough night playing cornhole down at the bar? That is one of your sports, isn’t it?
Wow... that's your best smack? Turn in your man card...wait. Sorry, you never had one.
Sounds like Maroon 5 could use your help managing their assets.
Legendary mess admits he doesn't know how to use the internet to do a search. He is so insecure he creates new screen names to give himself likes. His smack is weaker then a Drunken Rat. He has no idea that he's getting peed on. He's so embarrassed that I outed him for having two screen names that he is losing his mind...

Love it.
JANUARY 21, 2019
Martin Luther King, Jr. and the War Without Violence
By Ben Voth
Martin Luther King and America's major civil rights leaders fought an integrated and nonviolent war against racial segregation. Their affirmation of "beloved community" emphasized their Christian notions of love being stronger than hate. Remembering MLK is important in 2019 – especially in a society like ours, where the race card is deployed with such raw cynicism that it is killing people of all colors needlessly. Radical Jacobin activists and scholars are deliberately misrepresenting King in an effort to instigate tremendous political damage to the United States. MLK day ought to be a time to accurately remember who he was and attempt to repel the false hagiography that continues to recast King as a communist angry militant or a soft, anemic anachronism. King was a great American leader true to the civic character of a nation that has done more to unite humanity beyond ethnic lines than any other nation present or past.

It is hardly surprising that a Chinese architect hired to depict King on our National Mall misrepresented him with his arms defiantly crossed and an inaccurate quotation strongly implying a militant stance more common to the young Malcolm X: "I was a drum major for justice, peace, and righteousness." The American Civil Rights movement was both successful, strong and effective. King did not take a casual cooperative view of communism as supposed by his original critics or his contemporary revisionists. In 1966, at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, King explained his view of the important topic:

And if a man has not discovered something that he would die for, he isn't fit to live. The nonviolent method says that there is power in this approach precisely because it has a way of disarming the opponent and exposing his moral defenses. Secondly, it is possible to work to secure moral ends through moral means. One of the great debates of history has been on the whole. I guess with the many philosophical differences I have with communism, one of the greatest is found right here. Communism says in the final analysis that any method is proper to bring about the goal of the classless society. This is where nonviolence would break with communism or any other system which argues that the end justifies the means. For we recognize that the end is pre-existent in the means. The means represents the ideal in the end in process. And in the long run of history, destructive means cannot bring about constructive ends.

King not only understood American idealism, but understood at a profound level how cynicism cannot bring reform or human improvement. One of the most central and famous contentions of his hallmark speech, "I Have a Dream," contended that we should be aiming for a culture that judges people on the basis of the content of their character and not the color of their skin. Our current social machinations intoning terms of "white privilege" and senatorial genetic testing to prove our political superiority in America is a profound attack upon King's dream. Those attacks are largely unrepentant among a growing cadre of Afro-pessimist scholars who view King's dream as the same "farce" that Malcolm X said it was in 1963.

Remembering King should be about reclaiming his moral standing to define the standards of racial justice in 2019. The Jacobins who seized the movement in his absence have defied his integrated view of America that he explained in Dallas in 1966:

And so if one is working for a just society, he should use just methods in bringing about that society. If one is working for the goal of an integrated society, then he must seek to work with integration as a fact as he moves toward that. This is why I've always insisted that in our demonstrations and in our work, it isn't enough to have Negroes participating, but it is necessary to have white persons participating. ...

There's another thing about this method. When it is true to its nature, it says that it is possible to live true to the love effort. In other words, the love effort stands at the center. Now I want you to understand me here when I speak about love. People ask me all the time, what in the world are you talking about? You certainly can't be telling us to love these people who are oppressing us and who are killing our children and who are bombing our churches. And I always have to stop and try to explain what I mean when I talk about love in this context.

I'm not talking about emotional bonds. I'm not talking about some sentimental or affectionate feeling. And I think it would be nonsense to urge oppressed people to love their violent oppressors in an affectionate sense. ... When one rises to love on this level, he loves every man not because he likes him, not because his ways appeal to him, but because God loves him, and he rises to the level of loving the person who does the evil deed by hating the deed the person does. I think this is what Jesus meant when he said to love your enemies. And I'm so happy he didn't say to like your enemies. I must confess that there are some people pretty difficult to like. But Jesus said love them, and love is greater than like. Love is understanding, creative goodwill for all men – when you stand up against the evil system and yet understand the perpetrator of that evil system.

King theologically believed in an integrated society and that stands, as a challenge to our re-segregationist impulses to judge all people on the basis of race. Moreover, the transcendent practice of love stands in contrast to our angry discourse pervading all of our political conversations. Love as a political practice is largely unknown in 21st-century politics, as we have grown more secular and selfish.

In our present time, the remembrance of King can be accomplished by challenging the cynical reactionary use of the term "racist." Our intellectual culture views the term "racist" as a political tool for enforcing blue privilege and attacking Republican political leadership in defense of Democratic political leadership. President Trump is falsely said to be in alliance with the KKK, white supremacists, and white nationalists. The use of this language by the media elevates these groups and gives them power. Pretending to see an alliance legitimizes those who would never have such a platform. Covering up profound racism in the Democratic Party as seen by President Woodrow Wilson, President Franklin Roosevelt, and even Hillary Clinton only reduces the real problem of racism to a political tool.

King sought to redeem his most hardened racist adversaries. Today's political leaders seek character assassination through the charge of racism. This is neither fitting nor honoring to King. This holiday must become a true honor to a leader who deserves this much from us.
The screws tighten on China
By Peter Skurkiss
A quick survey of news from around the world show the screws are tightening on China.

First, news broke that Chinese tech company Huawei is now likely to face a criminal probe for stealing trade secrets from T-Mobile. This case is the result of civil lawsuits files against Huawei, primarily one where a Seattle jury found the Chinese company guilty of misappropriating robotic technology from T-Mobile. Although the judgement was a modest $4.8 million, it set a precedent for the Justice Department to use Huawei's behavior that was previously outlined in civil lawsuits as a basis for possible criminal prosecution.

Second, Chinese trade negotiators have offered a deal to go on a six-year buying spree to ramp up imports from the U.S. with a combined value of over one trillion dollars over that period. This will, it is claimed, reduce the trade deficit to zero. So far, the Trump administration is cool to the offer for being not enough and not addressing the matter of intellectual property theft. Also, there is concern regarding what the Chinese might want to buy. Advanced technologies would be off the table. There is also constant concern about China keeping its promises. So for, the Red Dragon's record is not good.

Third, the U.S. campaign to shut Huawei out of Western markets took another step forward when it was reported that Germany is considering banning Huawei products from its coming 5G networks over security concerns. If Berlin follows though, it will be a major blow to Huawei and would affect 3G and 4G networks, too. Germany is one of that company's largest market outside of China with Dusseldorf being Huawei's European headquarters.

Fourth, the European Union has set trade restrictions on steel imports in the form of quotas on 26 steel categories with a tariff of 25 percent on imports exceeding those quotas. This move mostly affects China and is the indirect result of President Trump's 25% tariffs on steel imports. As Chinese steel finds it harder to get into the American market, China is looking to dump its excess steel capacity wherever it can. Europe is a plump target. This type of trade restriction could cascade to include any country with a steel industry. Not to do so would leave said countries open to being flooded by Chinese steel over-capacity, extinguishing their domestic steel industry.

Fifth, Polish Internal Security agency arrested and charged a Huawei executive on suspicion of spying for China. Huawei is the top supplier of smartphones in Poland with over a third of the market. Huawei has denied knowledge of the activities of its employee and has fired him.

These are not unrelated events. Nor will this be the end of them. They're happening because of one Donald Trump. It's not that the president told the EU to restrict Chinese steel or called Poland to arrest the Huawei executive. Trump isn't micromanaging. What he's doing is more effective. Leading by example, he has initiated a paradigm shift in how others look at Chinese misbehavior. Prior to Trump taking strong exception to China's mercantile trade practices and intellectual property thefts, Chinese agents more or less skipped uninhibited throughout the West, picking up whatever goodies they could. A greased palm here, a bought politician there, and before you know it, hundreds of billions of dollars a year of intellectual property and technology was flowing into China.

Now that the Alpha Dog has bared his teeth to the Red Dragon, others are finding the courage to demand fairness in their China trade. There is no other way to look at the situation but to conclude that China's free ride is rapidly ending. This will force Chinese President Xi Jinping and the rest of his communist leadership to focus more on how to manage their country's astronomical debt, capital outflow, poverty, and upside-down demographic than trying to take America's position in the world.
JANUARY 21, 2019
Martin Luther King, Jr. and the War Without Violence
By Ben Voth
Martin Luther King and America's major civil rights leaders fought an integrated and nonviolent war against racial segregation. Their affirmation of "beloved community" emphasized their Christian notions of love being stronger than hate. Remembering MLK is important in 2019 – especially in a society like ours, where the race card is deployed with such raw cynicism that it is killing people of all colors needlessly. Radical Jacobin activists and scholars are deliberately misrepresenting King in an effort to instigate tremendous political damage to the United States. MLK day ought to be a time to accurately remember who he was and attempt to repel the false hagiography that continues to recast King as a communist angry militant or a soft, anemic anachronism. King was a great American leader true to the civic character of a nation that has done more to unite humanity beyond ethnic lines than any other nation present or past.

It is hardly surprising that a Chinese architect hired to depict King on our National Mall misrepresented him with his arms defiantly crossed and an inaccurate quotation strongly implying a militant stance more common to the young Malcolm X: "I was a drum major for justice, peace, and righteousness." The American Civil Rights movement was both successful, strong and effective. King did not take a casual cooperative view of communism as supposed by his original critics or his contemporary revisionists. In 1966, at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, King explained his view of the important topic:

And if a man has not discovered something that he would die for, he isn't fit to live. The nonviolent method says that there is power in this approach precisely because it has a way of disarming the opponent and exposing his moral defenses. Secondly, it is possible to work to secure moral ends through moral means. One of the great debates of history has been on the whole. I guess with the many philosophical differences I have with communism, one of the greatest is found right here. Communism says in the final analysis that any method is proper to bring about the goal of the classless society. This is where nonviolence would break with communism or any other system which argues that the end justifies the means. For we recognize that the end is pre-existent in the means. The means represents the ideal in the end in process. And in the long run of history, destructive means cannot bring about constructive ends.

King not only understood American idealism, but understood at a profound level how cynicism cannot bring reform or human improvement. One of the most central and famous contentions of his hallmark speech, "I Have a Dream," contended that we should be aiming for a culture that judges people on the basis of the content of their character and not the color of their skin. Our current social machinations intoning terms of "white privilege" and senatorial genetic testing to prove our political superiority in America is a profound attack upon King's dream. Those attacks are largely unrepentant among a growing cadre of Afro-pessimist scholars who view King's dream as the same "farce" that Malcolm X said it was in 1963.

Remembering King should be about reclaiming his moral standing to define the standards of racial justice in 2019. The Jacobins who seized the movement in his absence have defied his integrated view of America that he explained in Dallas in 1966:

And so if one is working for a just society, he should use just methods in bringing about that society. If one is working for the goal of an integrated society, then he must seek to work with integration as a fact as he moves toward that. This is why I've always insisted that in our demonstrations and in our work, it isn't enough to have Negroes participating, but it is necessary to have white persons participating. ...

There's another thing about this method. When it is true to its nature, it says that it is possible to live true to the love effort. In other words, the love effort stands at the center. Now I want you to understand me here when I speak about love. People ask me all the time, what in the world are you talking about? You certainly can't be telling us to love these people who are oppressing us and who are killing our children and who are bombing our churches. And I always have to stop and try to explain what I mean when I talk about love in this context.

I'm not talking about emotional bonds. I'm not talking about some sentimental or affectionate feeling. And I think it would be nonsense to urge oppressed people to love their violent oppressors in an affectionate sense. ... When one rises to love on this level, he loves every man not because he likes him, not because his ways appeal to him, but because God loves him, and he rises to the level of loving the person who does the evil deed by hating the deed the person does. I think this is what Jesus meant when he said to love your enemies. And I'm so happy he didn't say to like your enemies. I must confess that there are some people pretty difficult to like. But Jesus said love them, and love is greater than like. Love is understanding, creative goodwill for all men – when you stand up against the evil system and yet understand the perpetrator of that evil system.

King theologically believed in an integrated society and that stands, as a challenge to our re-segregationist impulses to judge all people on the basis of race. Moreover, the transcendent practice of love stands in contrast to our angry discourse pervading all of our political conversations. Love as a political practice is largely unknown in 21st-century politics, as we have grown more secular and selfish.

In our present time, the remembrance of King can be accomplished by challenging the cynical reactionary use of the term "racist." Our intellectual culture views the term "racist" as a political tool for enforcing blue privilege and attacking Republican political leadership in defense of Democratic political leadership. President Trump is falsely said to be in alliance with the KKK, white supremacists, and white nationalists. The use of this language by the media elevates these groups and gives them power. Pretending to see an alliance legitimizes those who would never have such a platform. Covering up profound racism in the Democratic Party as seen by President Woodrow Wilson, President Franklin Roosevelt, and even Hillary Clinton only reduces the real problem of racism to a political tool.

King sought to redeem his most hardened racist adversaries. Today's political leaders seek character assassination through the charge of racism. This is neither fitting nor honoring to King. This holiday must become a true honor to a leader who deserves this much from us.
I'm glad you like to read. Not a bad article until the last two paragraphs. Now read this. There is nothing false about the president's association with the KKK and the alt right. Get your fucking story straight. When you see a guy pummeling people in Charlottsville with an iron pipe and wearing a MAGA hat, that is straight up racism. If it were a LA Dodgers or Yankees hat, those organizations would be out in front of that right away. What did the president do? He said there were bad people on both sides. And he still wears the hat like you do. Don't post shit like this unless you know what the hell you're fucking talking about you fucking racist idiot piece of trash. When the president takes away rights of 700k people under DACA, then offers to give it back in a deal, that is straight up racism. You don't believe it, right? I'm just saying what the media says, right? How about if the president offered that deal to white people? I'll trade you the rights of 700,000 Irish or Polish Americans for a border wall. Try to get your arms around that. It doesn't matter how to sugar coat it, you don't get it.
I'm glad you like to read. Not a bad article until the last two paragraphs. Now read this. There is nothing false about the president's association with the KKK and the alt right. Get your fucking story straight. When you see a guy pummeling people in Charlottsville with an iron pipe and wearing a MAGA hat, that is straight up racism. If it were a LA Dodgers or Yankees hat, those organizations would be out in front of that right away. What did the president do? He said there were bad people on both sides. And he still wears the hat like you do. Don't post shit like this unless you know what the hell you're fucking talking about you fucking racist idiot piece of trash. When the president takes away rights of 700k people under DACA, then offers to give it back in a deal, that is straight up racism. You don't believe it, right? I'm just saying what the media says, right? How about if the president offered that deal to white people? I'll trade you the rights of 700,000 Irish or Polish Americans for a border wall. Try to get your arms around that. It doesn't matter how to sugar coat it, you don't get it.
Maybe Obama should have granted those right the correct way by going through congress.
I don't care what color illegal alien criminals are, send them all back ASAP. You see, I don't see color like you people do.
You see racism in your sleep.
Here is a little test for you.
Who was the president when this happened?

I'm glad you like to read. Not a bad article until the last two paragraphs. Now read this. There is nothing false about the president's association with the KKK and the alt right. Get your fucking story straight. When you see a guy pummeling people in Charlottsville with an iron pipe and wearing a MAGA hat, that is straight up racism. If it were a LA Dodgers or Yankees hat, those organizations would be out in front of that right away. What did the president do? He said there were bad people on both sides. And he still wears the hat like you do. Don't post shit like this unless you know what the hell you're fucking talking about you fucking racist idiot piece of trash. When the president takes away rights of 700k people under DACA, then offers to give it back in a deal, that is straight up racism. You don't believe it, right? I'm just saying what the media says, right? How about if the president offered that deal to white people? I'll trade you the rights of 700,000 Irish or Polish Americans for a border wall. Try to get your arms around that. It doesn't matter how to sugar coat it, you don't get it.
MLK would be embarrassed by you.
Who is this?
I'm glad you like to read. Not a bad article until the last two paragraphs. Now read this. There is nothing false about the president's association with the KKK and the alt right. Get your fucking story straight. When you see a guy pummeling people in Charlottsville with an iron pipe and wearing a MAGA hat, that is straight up racism. If it were a LA Dodgers or Yankees hat, those organizations would be out in front of that right away. What did the president do? He said there were bad people on both sides. And he still wears the hat like you do. Don't post shit like this unless you know what the hell you're fucking talking about you fucking racist idiot piece of trash. When the president takes away rights of 700k people under DACA, then offers to give it back in a deal, that is straight up racism. You don't believe it, right? I'm just saying what the media says, right? How about if the president offered that deal to white people? I'll trade you the rights of 700,000 Irish or Polish Americans for a border wall. Try to get your arms around that. It doesn't matter how to sugar coat it, you don't get it.
You are more like al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson.

Who was the president when this happened?

I'm glad you like to read. Not a bad article until the last two paragraphs. Now read this. There is nothing false about the president's association with the KKK and the alt right. Get your fucking story straight. When you see a guy pummeling people in Charlottsville with an iron pipe and wearing a MAGA hat, that is straight up racism. If it were a LA Dodgers or Yankees hat, those organizations would be out in front of that right away. What did the president do? He said there were bad people on both sides. And he still wears the hat like you do. Don't post shit like this unless you know what the hell you're fucking talking about you fucking racist idiot piece of trash. When the president takes away rights of 700k people under DACA, then offers to give it back in a deal, that is straight up racism. You don't believe it, right? I'm just saying what the media says, right? How about if the president offered that deal to white people? I'll trade you the rights of 700,000 Irish or Polish Americans for a border wall. Try to get your arms around that. It doesn't matter how to sugar coat it, you don't get it.
Now for the worst mistake of my lifetime, I am embarrassed that he is part of my race.

I'm glad you like to read. Not a bad article until the last two paragraphs. Now read this. There is nothing false about the president's association with the KKK and the alt right. Get your fucking story straight. When you see a guy pummeling people in Charlottsville with an iron pipe and wearing a MAGA hat, that is straight up racism. If it were a LA Dodgers or Yankees hat, those organizations would be out in front of that right away. What did the president do? He said there were bad people on both sides. And he still wears the hat like you do. Don't post shit like this unless you know what the hell you're fucking talking about you fucking racist idiot piece of trash. When the president takes away rights of 700k people under DACA, then offers to give it back in a deal, that is straight up racism. You don't believe it, right? I'm just saying what the media says, right? How about if the president offered that deal to white people? I'll trade you the rights of 700,000 Irish or Polish Americans for a border wall. Try to get your arms around that. It doesn't matter how to sugar coat it, you don't get it.

You are like an emotional teenage girl.
Now for the worst mistake of my lifetime, I am embarrassed that he is part of my race.

I wonder why you hate Obama so much. Hmmm, what could it be? He was fairly uncontroversial and did take over a massively plummeting economy which was salvaged, he had very few, if any, why such strong feelings?
I wonder why you hate Obama so much. Hmmm, what could it be? He was fairly uncontroversial and did take over a massively plummeting economy which was salvaged, he had very few, if any, why such strong feelings?

Even joe's name indicates his racism.
I wonder why you hate Obama so much. Hmmm, what could it be? He was fairly uncontroversial and did take over a massively plummeting economy which was salvaged, he had very few, if any, why such strong feelings?
You didn't hear the part about him destroying our country on purpose?
When someone tells you who they are, believe it.
He is a dumb lying fuck and you know it.
I know what you are getting at, but that has nothing to do with it.
Maybe Obama should have granted those right the correct way by going through congress.
I don't care what color illegal alien criminals are, send them all back ASAP. You see, I don't see color like you people do.
You see racism in your sleep.
Here is a little test for you.
Who was the president when this happened?

This is why your analysis always fails. Just because you can correlate images from the past that you can't reconcile, it means whatever is happening now is ok. Something happened in the past, so whatever is happening today is fine. Did Trump come out against Congressman King in Iowa for aligning himself with the alt right? No. That just happened last week. He said he hasn't been following it. Don't try to dig up articles trying to prove your point, you don't get it. Saying the word "racist" in the media is popular now. Maybe it applies, maybe it doesn't. Do the libs overuse it? Of course. But the actions of a racist president can't be denied, no matter how you try to convince yourself and your blind followers. Oh, but at least he's not Hilary.