Trump and his supporters loves this shutdown

David Horowitz: 'White Privilege' Is a Racist Idea


Mark Dixon / Wikimedia Commons
Across the country, re-education sessions are routinely held in businesses, professional offices, medical schools, universities, and even kindergartens. Their purpose is to teach the un-woke about the evils of “white privilege,” and make white people who participate uncomfortable about their skin color.
Whites are to own up to the fact that regardless of their intentions, beliefs, behaviors or status in life, they are elite participants in a racist system that oppresses “people of color,” and are so merely because they are white.

But discrimination on the basis of skin color has been outlawed in this country for more than 60 years. One might reasonably ask, “WTF is white privilege”?

Here’s my politically incorrect answer: White privilege is the gift of being the only racial/ethnic group on the planet which it is okay to single out for abuse.

Indeed, such abuse is obligatory for all who regard themselves as “woke,” and who aspire to promote “social justice.”

This is a category that includes the media, the popular culture, the educational system, and such shapers of public opinion as Don Lemon; Joy Ann Reid; Joy Behar; Brian Stelter; Rachel Maddow; the editorial boards and reporters of the New York Times and the Washington Post; and the Democratic Party.

“White privilege” is the privilege of being regarded as untrustworthy, prejudiced, and blind to the injustices one’s skin color is said to inflict.

“White privilege” is the privilege of being damned for alleged racist public safety measures like like “Stop and Frisk” policies, and also the often imaginary crimes of one’s alleged ancestors.

Thus, it is fashionable in today’s political culture to seek reparations for slavery from Americans whose ancestors never owned slaves, were not even in the country at the time, and were oppressed themselves in ethnic and religious ghettos across the globe. Reparations for slavery are also sought from the descendants of Union soldiers who gave their lives to abolish slavery.

White privilege is the privilege of being held responsible for slavery when white America accounted for a small proportion of the African slave trade globally, which was mainly run by “people of color,” while white America led the world in abolishing slavery, an institution that still exists in non-white Africa today.

Our country is now facing a national political crisis over borders because of the poverty and oppression caused by the corrupt politics and leftist economies of Central and South America, which has prompted their citizens to break into our country illegally.

Conditions in the resource-rich southern hemisphere are so bad that 20 million of its residents have already broken the law to violate our sovereignty, bankrupt our social services and educational systems, and fill our jails.

And yet according to the left, to seek a wall to stem this flood is white racism.

As a top Democratic strategist put it recently, “Building a wall says: ‘If you’re brown turn around.”

Such twisted logic would also provide an excuse to open our borders to the world’s Islamic terrorists, who have killed hundreds of thousands of mainly “brown” victims since 9/11.

Here is how the social justice website,, which is run by the Southern Poverty Law Center, explains the invisible powers of “white privilege” to its target audience of K-12 teachers:

It seems logical that a person should have the chance to prove themselves individually before they are judged. It’s supposedly an American ideal. But it’s a privilege often not granted to people of color — with dire consequences. For example, programs like New York City’s now-abandoned ‘Stop and Frisk’ policy target a disproportionate number of black and Latinx [sic] people.

“Stop and Frisk” was originally a New York law enforcement policy designed to make random checks for concealed weapons, and thus to prevent potential armed robberies and homicides. It was instituted by conservative Republicans and subsequently “abandoned” by left-wing Democrats as “racist.”

To make “Stop and Frisk” a racial issue, its opponents inevitably leave out its specifics, including the profiles of the individuals whom the police target for searches. Like all analyses generated by identity politics enthusiasts, the explanation eliminates details like the motivations for the policies, and the characteristics of their applications. It thus obscures from view all the actions of individuals that might account for the disproportionate number of blacks and Hispanics affected, in order to focus on the invisible but sinister oppressor, “white privilege.”

In reality, the selective nature of the policy was dictated by the fact that 98% of the shootings in New York are committed by blacks and Hispanics, according to Heather MacDonald of the Manhattan Institute. The policy has an explanation that is behavioral, not racial.


Screenshot: Fox News Video


January 24, 2019

The family of 16-year-old Covington Catholic student Nicholas Sandmann has hired a high-powered lawyer who specializes in going after media organizations for libel and slander.

WCPO reports that the family has hired L. Lin Wood, whom disgraced former journalist Dan Rather described as the "attorney for the damned," and who is known for "aggressive libel and slander suits against media organizations."

The family made the announcement in a statement released by the Hemmer DeFrank Wessels law firm, The Enquirer reported.

"...Todd McMurtry, the family’s legal counsel, conducted an extensive search to find a nationally-recognized attorney skilled in the fields of libel, defamation, and the First Amendment," the release said.

Wood has a history of representing high profile clients in major cases including the family of JonBenet Ramsey and others.

"Mr. Wood brings an unrivaled record of success in the courtroom, having represented such clients as the family of JonBenet Ramsey, former Rep. Gary Condit and Richard Jewell in lawsuits against the media," McMurtry wrote. "Mr. Wood visited with the family today in northern Kentucky. He is committed to bringing justice to 16-year-old Nick Sandmann and his family. Further announcements should be expected in the next few days."