1. Blues Mulligan
2. Blues Forsyth (Eastvale)
3. Ole
4. Slammer HB Zermeno
5. Slammers Cerritos Cruz/Bermudez
Legends out of top 5, they seem to be having problems with their Roster, I heard there losing their best player to the Blues.. Warriors out of top 5, Lost this weekend to the eagles...the same Eagles that @redhood says losses to everyone. Slammers Cruz/ Slammers HB play each other all the time...I know both have beaten each other so it could go either way...Slammers Cruz beat Eagles a couple weeks ago 5-1.... Forsyth won Carlsbad Cup a couple weeks ago. Ole won the VC Fusion cup a couple weeks ago...Ole has beaten Slammers Cruz, Eagles... Handedly this year. They will be at Thanksgiving Surf tournament after league play. Blues Cup should be a good one... I wish Ole was there but time will tell️
Its funny you think Legends has roster issues. If Legends loses the girl in question, she might be their 3rd best player. Not close to their best player. Legends was very successful before she came out and is very deep. It is obvious that you are a Blues insider and you fail to mention that Forsyth is losing their 2 best players going forward. Not one of you Blues fans have mentioned that Mulligans two best players have been guesting for Forsyth all summer. But you still have Forsyth as #2.