Top 10 GU2011

Delusional or crazy to record your kids games? Ugh what where’s your logic. Maybe you are not that serious that’s it or your kids suck and can’t produce any good highlights. For now you are just all talk. Don’t waste my time
I don’t appreciate your classless comment. My daughter plays for Ole 2011Red team. Yes we have a very strong team but most of the parents on this team understand that California is a hot bed for girls soccer and there are strong players all over. But calling out a parent and saying that they don’t video because there kid sucks is not ok. Remember #weareole. Includes you and the entire club. Your daughter is very talented as well but she is a 2010 player. This a 2011 forum. Don’t represent our club with negativity... that’s just not what we are about.
Indoor, Hispanic league, and playing up are smart moves. The Blues staff will closely monitor her development. A private trainer wouldn't be a bad idea, if you are interested PM me .
Very blessed she has Matt Baker working with her coaching her a few times a week on the side in addition to Rob R coaching her full time.
All of my kids are older than this age group but it's an active thread so here I am!

Found the Ole parent.
My daughter is a ole kid but ole black she is a 2012 but you just sound like you are mad no one is kissing your teams a$$ when everyone here has the right to think their team is the best
I'll be your Huckleberry.
Here are my little girls highlights shes a 2012
Top 10 list
1. Blues Mulligan
2. Legends
3. Blues Eastvale
4. Blues Lime 2012 (Numbers Don't Lie)
5. warriors
6. HB Slammers
7. Ole
8. Slammers Cruise
9. Galaxy SD
10. Galaxy SB
If any one wants to play we will come to you please have all your fans there.

Your daughter is a beast Hodari.

Why did you put yourself in the top 5 though???
Ole groupies are in this thread talking about how they are the best team this, #weareole that, I haven't seen everyone play but I know we are the best etc. etc.
I don't know much about this age group but the majority have put Blues, Blues Eastvale, and whatever loan players are playing for Legends that weekend ahead of you. Has Ole played any of these teams? Or any of the other teams my dude mentioned above like Blues 2012, Warriors, HB Slammers, Slammers Cruise, Galaxy SD or SB?

I guess the Valley teams are feeling neglected so they need to speak up. Some advice: Pipe down and humble yourselves. You look like a cult.
“Their” best young girls team to date. I can’t say they are the best team around only time will tell. You gotta learn how to read english man.

HAHAHA okay. You came to brag that Ole 2011 were the best young team that Ole has it! Those girls are going to be great in a couple years with RSC absorbs them
Lmao Good luck with 7 players for the year. We will see if the team can stay together another year. Not. You guys are the king of guest players.

Those 7 players is all they need to beat any team in SoCal. Didn’t they just beat legends 5-0 ? Good luck to the teams. I can’t wait till my DD is playing at this level.
I wouldn’t be so confident to say that Eagles or RSC will take these girls when it comes time to move on. Personally for me and my daughter we will explore our options first and decide what team suits her best after Ole. I’m not worried about driving a few extra miles to practice to go down south a bit to find a better fit.
Ole will more than likely lose their most talented girls to RSC or Eagles is correct.