I came back to the Soccer Forum in 2018 with some sour grapes regarding a few bad apples in Girls Youth Soccer. I came here to ask the sage's a few Q's regarding "Pay For Play" and how did one's child make the first ever U14 Girls National Team or what I actually learned it was, how did a child make the 2017, "The List." I then wondered off into "The Kitchen." I started teaching you guys not to look Left or Right and that Duality of me vs you, rich vs poor, right vs wrong, Heaven vs Hell, Jesus vs Satan were in full swing. It's the way our brains work and They & Them know that. Our Ego also plays a role as does the Shadow. The Soul is ultimately in charge and each soul must be held accountable for the choices the soul makes. Like I said years ago, love not hate. Many of you hated or disliked the asshole Mr. Trump and his followers like crush. The fact is, many of you were brainwashed by Fake News. I told all of you to get rid of Tel A Vision, eat super healthy, stop the booze and drink lots of water. I stopped eating meat for three years because of all the jabs the cows get. I now use only healthy meat, fish, veggies, nuts and fruits. I feel amazing and have not been sick for a long time. Then I begged all of you not to take the jabs. I will admit I let others talk me into wearing the stupid mask at times when things started to get gnarly in public places and my son would beg me with, "dad, please just put it on." Little guy was right but so was I

Not being invited to a party because my family wasn't jabbed still goes down as one of the saddest times ever. Another big sad for me was seeing my dd balling at a showcase and getting a call on the way home with a full ride offer, P/T job and a little NIL spending money. However, to go to this Big U and others like it, your child had to be fully jabbed or no entry. $200,000+ offer but with a potential death catch tied to it sucked as a parent. The division was tough, and I called out so many in "The Kitchen" under the "Vaccine" thread. No one post on there anymore is interesting

They attacked us with fear & division. The same fear I see today from those who hate Trump and Trumps MAGA Movement to help Make America Healthy Again is the same fear of Covid 19 people. I think MAHA is the most important issue facing our country. It seems very real to me that we ALL have been poisoned. Take a look at this picture from 1960 and Now. You can all see New Wave Dave (Upper right side from the 1960 folks). NWD is me today

I turn 58 on the 19th and feel this New Way as only Dave could feel. You must put in the work you guys, or you will die unhealthy. My BFF has 850 credit score and is set to retire in 2 years. He was smoking, drinking, eating bad sugars and was looking and feeling like shit. No jabs, just letting his health go really bad. I talked with him and said, "bro, you work your ass off, make $200K+, have a sound retirement plan, homeowner, no wife or kids and the one area that is sloppy is your health." He agreed and is now quit the bad health except for the Cigs. That starts on Monday. All because I spoke up with the truth and he thanked me. I'm now adding weightlifting to my health. Light weight with push-ups, pull ups and sit ups. I walk almost an hour a day. What's the point to save all your money to retire in style but neglect your health and leave all your retirement funds to your kids. That's dumb. It's time to own your health. Who do you want to be?
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