My white pride shows daily. I just flew to Texas even. But Austin white pride is different than your kind I think.
So you’re mad about Tulsi? What’s going on with your boy Trump? Are you abandoning him in his time of need?
You're kinda cute when you try so hard. Almost makes me feel sorry for you...
Please... please... please show me a post where I've claimed President Trump is my boy! (I mean, you're my bitch but that's a different story) You must suffering from some type of self induced amnesia or better yet TDS, but I already stated my vote did not go to Trump.
Unlike you, I can see the good that he has done for the country. He is devise and speaks out of his ass but I can live with that. Maybe even for another term.
On the other hand, the way your party has conducted itself is disgusting. You eat your own... just look at what Ellen is going through because she sat next to President Bush and had a good time. You people, yea you people, would rather have seen her scream and yell at him then walk out with her wife hand in hand with fist raised. Because nothing screams tolerance like screaming.
The paranoia that exudes from the left is scary. The OK sign ( if you didn't know bowl cuts are now racist) white pride, yea your white pride, are racist symbols. People, the world, is laughing at you! I want this to sink in... Gang signs are fine, socially acceptable. Doing the OK sign is a nono. You do know how to do the OK sign, correct? Stand in front of a mirror and do it. Now look at the pics that people are calling racist. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the difference. But if you still think they are the same thing wrap your mind around this. You saying the OK sign is racist is like saying me pointing my middle down at you is the same as flipping you off.. understand now? Like I said, laughing at you.
You post that you will follow a social narrative even if the person leading it is wrong?! Think about that dude... you would have been one the Germans who followed Hitler! What's wrong with you?!
I'm not sure if you have any daughters but I do, two of them. I never want to see a man dressed as a woman follow them into a bathroom. Why does he need to do that? Everyone can see he's a guy dressed like a chick. Does he think he's fooling anyone? What, he has to squat to piss? (Sorry e, I guess you won't know if this guy uses his fly or not) If he has to squat use the stall in the mens room.
But you and your kind are all OK with this until it directly affects you. Just like the lady who supported the "use whatever bathroom law" back East until some guy in a dress was in the ladies room with her and her daughter. She came to her senses real quick. I hope you come to your senses soon too...
Enjoy your weekend Counselor.