Today in Fascism

Sam Bank Man Fried also gave millions to these two liars. Like I said before, this is a Right & Left problem. PAY-FOR-PLAY

Another Marine sentenced to 6 years for protesting the election on Jan 6th. I sure bet the asshat espola is all excited with this news. What a loser!!!

Trump Appointee and Marine Corps Veteran Federico Klein Sentenced to Nearly 6 Years In Prison For Role in Capitol Riot or what some believe was that he was protesting the insurrection from 11.3
We have sickos among us. It trips me out how much Espola, Husker Du and Dad hate Trump. There is no, "QAnon" for the 100th time. Surf Futbol (Espola) made a big stink about this years ago. It's Q and Anons. CIA coined "QAnon" and "Conspiracy Theorist." CT was coined by the CIA to target people questioning JFKs assassination on 11.22.63. Anons are the researchers that take what Q posts and the drops and share their work with folks like crush. Crush then shares with you all, the sheep. It's ok, most of you get your hard news from liars like Samantha and Anderson. This movement is 100% against crimes against kids, like having sex with them or wanting to chop off a boy's penis or remove a little girl's breast. Mutilators of the flesh. We got sick fuckers roaming our country and their time is about up.

When Samatha Guthrie was SEETHING at the fact Trump wouldn’t denounce “QAnon” (
They (the cheaters) cheated big time. Trump caught them all doing sick shit folks. That's why Espola hates Trump and Crush. Watermarked paper ballots make a special paper that’s almost impossible to forge. These dumb fools cheated as Space Force watched them cheat. They know about everything Espola and Husker Du have done.

Y’all remember this?


Trump: "Together, we will restore Law and Order in our country. We will completely overhaul the DOJ to investigate every Marxist prosecutor in America for their illegal racist [inaudible], enforcement of the law. On day one I will sign a new executive order to cut federal funding for any school pushing Critical Race Theory, transgender insanity, and other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content on our children."
Trump: “You know, they make a special paper that’s almost impossible to forge.”

I have personally seen these ballots, and talked to people involved with their creation. They are REAL & they are absolutely GAME CHANGING. It’s just a matter of getting the state to adopt them for use."

When Trump announced his 2024 run a year ago, he said that “Elections in 2024 will be very different.”
Yeshua: "This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God."