Today in Fascism

Media is pure evil. So the shooter out of Maine is Mr. Robert Card. Served 20 years in the military and enjoyed hunting & fishing before he started to go crazy and hunt humans instead. This has the hallmark human for Espola and Husker Du to exploit. I did it for them.

Fox Live 24/7 Headline News is pure evil. Manhunt under way for crazy war vet who is bff with Trump. Israel has ground troops at the border and are ready to go gun ho for war, death and destruction. These media people are insane and desperate to sell their shit to the advertisers.
Media is pure evil. So the shooter out of Maine is Mr. Robert Card. Served 20 years in the military and enjoyed hunting & fishing before he started to go crazy and hunt humans instead. This has the hallmark human for Espola and Husker Du to exploit. I did it for them.

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They/Them/We/He is busy writing 120 more gun laws so Mr. Card will never do this again. 18 lives lost. How many unnecessary abortions that day?