Today in Fascism

"Check Please" DJT just truth this on Truth Socail. Gr8t name, Truth. Espola is the opposite of Truth.

"New rule - if you voted for Biden, you get put on the front lines of WW3

If you’re a Congressman/Senator voting for WW3, your children must be put on the front lines w/the Biden voters

If you don’t have kids, then you must give up your Congressional salary until the war is over" DC Draino
We have a Navy Vet on here posting misinformation about the TRUTH because he's a traitor!!! Not a good place to be right now. He's being watched 24/7 and EVERYTHING we say and do is being watched by SPACE FORCE!!!

Trump is going to be sent to jail, or no:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: Officer Espola and Husker Du will be there to put thecuffs on trump. What a bunch of criminal losers!!!

"In the Fake Biden Inspired Fraud Case against me, brought by the CORRUPT A.G., Letitia “Peekaboo Espola” James of New York State, a sadly Crime Infested Place, where people and businesses are fleeing to other States in record numbers, it is her and the highly partisan Judge, who has been overturned many times, who defrauded me and the public by valuing my assets at a fraction of what they are worth in order to try and convict me, without a trial or jury, of FRAUD. She got him to Value Mar-a-Lago at $18,000,000, when it is worth 50 to 100 times that amount. My assets are worth MUCH MORE than listed on the 100% DISCLAIMED Financial Statements, and there are NO VICTIMS, EXCEPT ME. We WON on Statute of Limitations, and other things, at the Appeals Court, AND THIS RADICAL LEFT, TRUMP HATING JUDGE, REFUSES TO ACCEPT THEIR DECISION. THIS CASE SHOULD BE DROPPED, IMMEDIATELY. IT’S AMAZING! HE IS OUT OF CONTROL, AND TOTALLY AFRAID OF PEEKABOO. A COMPLETE MISCARRIAGE OF JUSTICE & ELECTION INTERFERENCE!"
"The fight in GAZA is “coming home” to the USA. The tens of thousands of strong young men from the Middle East, that have already “invaded” our Country, and are continuing to come, totally unchecked, will become a problem the likes of which we have never seen before. Crooked Joe Biden is a very ignorant (STUPID!) man, who has NEVER been right on a foreign policy issue in his life. CLOSE OUR BORDER, NOW. STOP THE ONSLAUGHT, STOP THE INVASION!" DJT

Let's see, we got Election Interference and Invasion (We need help quickly) from foreign and hostile enemies. Like I said many, many, many, many, many, times before, The Military is the only option. That's why we got Space Force, to deal with traitors, liars and cheaters like Espola. He's in Big Trouble. I would not want to be Dad, Espola or Husker Du. EOTL was pure evil as was Surf Futbol and that fucking sick and disgusting 14knots is TOAST!
More Truth from Truth Social

"Mitt Romney, a total loser that only a mother could love, just wrote a book which is, much like him, boring, horrible, and totally predictable. I am very proud to be the one who forced this Left Leaning RINO out of politics. He wanted to run sooo badly, but knew he couldn’t win in the great State of Utah without my Endorsement and Support, so he QUIT. His crummy book says nothing good about anybody, other than RINO Paul RINO, who may be worse, and even dumber, than Mitt himself. Does he mention his late night dinner with me at Trump International Hotel when he begged to be Secretary of State, then giving GLOWING COMMENTS about DJT at a follow up News Conference? I didn’t give him the job, NOR DID I EVER INTEND TO. I JUST WANTED TO PROVE A POINT, THAT MITT ROMNEY IS, & ALWAYS HAS BEEN, A LIGHTWEIGHT JOKE!" DJT
Our son's and daughters have to go fight fucking wars while their Sons of bitches sit on boards. Fuck, just like Youth Soccer BODs. Daddy gets on the board or buys the board and then daddy makes sure that his dd gets all the proper selections at just the right time (timing is everything with these fucking cheaters) and with that, all the prizes go to their kids. Fucking Cheaters!!!

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CCR-Fortunate Son. - YouTube

My brother was tricked at 17 years old to go fight in that bullshit Vietnam war. Then his "boss" tricked him into being a gunner on a Huey. 50% death rate. He lived and saw hell up close because of these fucking liars who love war so much because they can make fucking money. No more fucking wars assholes. if you want war, then send your children and then send your fucking self to fight in the Middle East. All you war junkies need to seek fucking help!!!
My adopted mother loved JFK. She would tell where she was when he was shot by the fucking cheaters who lie and cheat to make money in fucking wars. As soon as they killed him, they go all gun ho for war in Vietnam. LBJ, Bush and the rest will now pay the piper!!! Karma is knocking on all your fucking doors.
