Today in Fascism

You don't have to link to any story. Just review the thread in which my statement occurred.
Your thing is always

What I and many here ask is...make a case. Defend your position. Make a point. Have a back and forth. It isn't about a link. You said you disagreed. Lay out your case as to why. Articulate a point.
Your thing is always

Wrong again. You're doing great. No one is laughing at you.

What I and many here ask is...make a case. Defend your position. Make a point. Have a back and forth. It isn't about a link. You said you disagreed. Lay out your case as to why. Articulate a point.

Unless you review the thread from a few pages back, you will not understand the context in which my statements were made.
Wrong again. You're doing great. No one is laughing at you.

Unless you review the thread from a few pages back, you will not understand the context in which my statements were made.
So explain why you think the article you posted is correct?

Defend your position

LMAO! Name 1 thing Biden has done to create jobs. Do I write it in crayon for you? When you shut the economy down, which he did, and people go back to work, that's not creating jobs. Nevermind all the people quitting because JoeTato the fascist demanded vaccinations. "Our bodies... our choice"... unless we're the demotards. Then you do what you're told.

Look at all the companies laying off employees by the thousands. You're such a putz.

Build Back Better.

Do you understand all he did was print more inflation and money? Biden is the same retard that, as a senator, spent decades trying to cut Medicare, Medicaid and SS. Watch the video, clown. Do you think this was before or after JoeTato stole classified documents and took them over state lines? I mean, even back THEN his hair plugs looked like shit. Must not have good a good Bosley location in the Puerto Rican 'hood he grew up in.

This "MAGA" Marine was sentenced to 17 years for walking in the Capital for 20 minutes Jan 6th. Expola and Husker Du are so proud to see another Marine put away. Be careful what you wish for!

Seems a bit FASCIST to spend 4 years trying to deny American citizens the ability to vote for a candidate that got 20,000,000 more votes the 2nd time he ran than the 1st time when he won.