Today in Fascism

Well, the FDA says it may help stop the spread if you already have it. So yeah... I'd say they don't work.

Using Face Masks, Barrier Face Coverings, Surgical Masks, and Respirators
Q: Do face masks and barrier face coverings provide protection from coronavirus?

A: Face masks and barrier face coverings should generally be used for source control, meaning they may help prevent people who have COVID-19 from spreading the virus to others. These products may also help limit exposure to respiratory droplets and large particles but are not a substitute for filtering facepiece respirators or surgical masks. Please refer to CDC's webpage for recommendations regarding use and care of masks.
FDA says they work, so you believe they don't.

Got it.
Fudd, would you say it's "fascist" to make an American student remove the United States flag from his truck? Maybe he need some BLM or rainbow stickers to balance it out for the libtards? I only ask because I know you're very neutral on politics.

Did you read the whole article?
I did. Are you going to tell me the "it's a safety hazard" bullshit is legitimate? Because I'm still waiting for a heterosexual to get an eye poked out by a violent dyke at a Timbers' match.
He signed a contract including the provision that he wouldn't fly flags. He flew flags. What did he think was going to happen?

Isn't it a tenet of conservative thought that one complies with his legal obligations?
He signed a contract including the provision that he wouldn't fly flags. He flew flags. What did he think was going to happen?

Isn't it a tenet of conservative thought that one complies with his legal obligations?

Refusing someone to fly the American flag is a disgrace. There's no law against it... only cowardly libtards that oppress sane people. They wouldn't have the balls to ban a rainbow-tard flag for fear of legal action.

But yes, in general we don't allow illegal aliens to come here because we had border laws on Trump's watch. In general, we don't allow shoplifting and looting because we supported businesses on Trump's watch. And in general, we otherwise endorsed hard work and celebrated success because that wasn't an evil thing on Trump's watch.
Refusing someone to fly the American flag is a disgrace. There's no law against it... only cowardly libtards that oppress sane people. They wouldn't have the balls to ban a rainbow-tard flag for fear of legal action.

But yes, in general we don't allow illegal aliens to come here because we had border laws on Trump's watch. In general, we don't allow shoplifting and looting because we supported businesses on Trump's watch. And in general, we otherwise endorsed hard work and celebrated success because that wasn't an evil thing on Trump's watch.
You didn't answer the question.
What question? I can't read his mind. If you're referring to laws, demotards only obey laws they choose to obey. The rest of the time they just mandate things from us, like hypocrite Gavin Newscum.

"Isn't it a tenet of conservative thought that one complies with his legal obligations? "
"Isn't it a tenet of conservative thought that one complies with his legal obligations? "

That sounded / read very much like a rhetorical question. Kinda like when we ask you or your friend @Hüsker Dü why you guys post some really dumb things or ask some really stupid questions.

Here's a prime example of a rhetorical question maybe you or Husker can answer...but at the same time I don't expect you to.

Why are Democrats so stupid?!
You’ll get no sense from the crush crew all they want is vengeance for their existence.
You have to keep bringing up Crush.
@Dominic, I have a sincere and honest question that I hope you can answer asap. Is it ok to play multiple screen names on the forum? I know many do this on Truth Social. I want to bring Crush back so he can defend himself against the slander caused by Husker Du and Expola. TGIFF Dom. Thanks again for this forum.

Hey Husker, New Wave Dave was my all-time favorite. I lost his password, so he's gone for good. Dave fits one of my personalities really well and I almost became a Pro surfer. The path was there for me to take when I was 10 but I chose to play Multiple Sports and felt surfing was more of a spiritual experience and not for competition among friends. I hated the snakes who stole and hopped waves from others and just were a jerk in the ocean, like a gangster surfer who felt the secret surf spot was his spot only. I knew asshats that would slash tire's if you surfed their spot.
That sounded / read very much like a rhetorical question. Kinda like when we ask you or your friend @Hüsker Dü why you guys post some really dumb things or ask some really stupid questions.

Here's a prime example of a rhetorical question maybe you or Husker can answer...but at the same time I don't expect you to.

Why are Democrats so stupid?!
I have wondered that myself for years, right along with why are Republicans so crooked?
why are Republicans so crooked?
Let me answer. Come on now, crooks on both sides Expola. You keep playing politics with D vs R. I told you, Husker Du, EOTL, Tenacious, Copa, Fact, Evil Goalie 21, Surf Futbol, 14 knots and the rest of your gang 5 years ago that this Left vs Right, dualistic reasoning will come to an end. The crooks are everywhere dumb.

"Isn't it a tenet of conservative thought that one complies with his legal obligations? "

There shouldn't be any rule or law against flying the American Flag. But you democrats have a problem with it. Just like you have a problem with saying there are males and females... and they aren't interchangeable... even though that's been the tenet since the beginning of time.
I have wondered that myself for years, right along with why are Republicans so crooked?

So you don't think Hillary Clinton and JoeTato Briben are crooked? Seriously?

I'm more than willing to admit Trump has played with laws his entire life. Let's not pretend the other two are virtuous.
There shouldn't be any rule or law against flying the American Flag. But you democrats have a problem with it. Just like you have a problem with saying there are males and females... and they aren't interchangeable... even though that's been the tenet since the beginning of time.
I'm not a Democrat.

Appeal to emotions noted.
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