The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

NEWS APRIL 11, 2019

Kamala Harris, who supports abortion, slams ICE for immigrant women miscarrying while detained


Zach Gibson/Getty Images

Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) acknowledged the value of the lives of unborn children Tuesday in a tweet criticizing Immigration and Customs Enforcement for detaining pregnant women.

What did Harris say? "Detaining pregnant women is dangerous. As many as 28 women have miscarried while in ICE custody over the past two years. I've called on this Administration to end this practice now," Harris wrote.

Why was she talking about this? Senate Democrats have petitioned President Donald Trump to reevaluate the policy that allows for pregnant illegal immigrants to be detained. They want the president to return to a policy of "presumptive release" for pregnant women, "unless she is a threat to herself or others, or is a threat to public safety or national security."

In February, a Honduran woman delivered a stillborn child after going into premature labor at an ICE detention center. According to NBC News, ICE has reported 18 miscarriages in fiscal 2018 and 10 in fiscal 2017.

What's the problem with Harris' statement? The government should certainly do everything in its power to provide good medical care to pregnant women who have been detained and to work toward reducing miscarriages, to the extent which it is in the power of ICE or Border Patrol to do so.

However, Harris' statement creates a dissonance with her stance on abortion, which she and other Democrats refer to as "health care."

If the lives of unborn children carried by women in immigration detention are worth protecting (which they are), then how can the lives of unborn children who are aborted be semantically dehumanized as "fetuses" or "clumps of cells" that can be eliminated by anyone for any reason?

Harris has expressed support for abortions even after 20 weeks of pregnancy.

"Senate GOP's proposed 20-week abortion ban is another example of politicians playing politics with health care. #NoAbortionBan," Harris wrote in 2017.
Democrats issue a serious demand to AG Barr about the Mueller report


Image Source: YouTube screenshot composite

Democratic leaders signed a letter demanding an un-redacted version of the Mueller report from Attorney General William Barr on Thursday.

Barr is expected to release a version of the report with classified information redacted for various reasons, but Democrats are demanding a full version.

"As a matter of law," the letter said, "Congress is entitled to the full report — without redactions — as well as the underlying evidence. We require that information in order to discharge our constitutional obligations: to develop and pass legislation and to conduct thorough oversight of the Executive Branch."

Among those signing the letter were House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Cal okif.), and Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.).

Democrats also addressed the reasons for the redactions, adding, "the Department of Justice has no legitimate reason for withholding these materials from Congress."

They have been voicing disappointment and anger with Barr over his comments that there was "spying" on the Trump campaign in the 2016 election.


Democrats issue a serious demand to AG Barr about the Mueller report


Image Source: YouTube screenshot composite

Democratic leaders signed a letter demanding an un-redacted version of the Mueller report from Attorney General William Barr on Thursday.

Barr is expected to release a version of the report with classified information redacted for various reasons, but Democrats are demanding a full version.

"As a matter of law," the letter said, "Congress is entitled to the full report — without redactions — as well as the underlying evidence. We require that information in order to discharge our constitutional obligations: to develop and pass legislation and to conduct thorough oversight of the Executive Branch."

Among those signing the letter were House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Cal okif.), and Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.).

Democrats also addressed the reasons for the redactions, adding, "the Department of Justice has no legitimate reason for withholding these materials from Congress."

They have been voicing disappointment and anger with Barr over his comments that there was "spying" on the Trump campaign in the 2016 election.

Fries U grads!! What a deal.
So as the ongoing look into the trump family financials and tax situation has now caused sister maryanne to retire it makes me wonder how stupid or naive or a combination of both brother Donald actually is. Did he, like many reports say, not believe he would be elected so he didn't worry about any future digging into the families alleged decades of tax avoidance? Did he not know that by him becoming POTUS* he was opening his entire family and history thereof up to fine point scrutiny? Is he stupid, naive or did he truly believe he could pull off the brazen refusal to comply with the law that fred got away with, mostly, in his life? The crook has hit the fan.
Still dragging your net full of holes around I see.
APRIL 12, 2019
Sicko, Southern Border-Style
By Brian C. Joondeph
Sicko is one of Michael Moore’s many movies, focusing on the U.S. health care system, costs, the uninsured, and the usual liberal talking points. Despite his many criticisms of U.S. health care, when Moore was sick with pneumonia, he chose hospitalization in a New York City hospital rather than in one of those countries with a supposedly far better health care system, say, Cuba.

He could make a sequel to Sicko, this time focusing on the southern border of the U.S. and the hordes of sick men, women, and children invading America, bringing all sorts of exotic diseases on top of the many other problems they bring, including crime. These diseases are making many Americans sicko.

It’s more than simply lice or scabies, annoying conditions, but hardly a mortal threat to Americans. Instead it’s contagious diseases that we haven’t heard much about in decades or since many of us were afflicted as children. These diseases are making the news, but as predictable as sunrise and sunset, the media and government officials are at a loss to explain the resurgence of these mostly once-eradicated conditions.

Much as when a swarthy young man enters a gay nightclub in the U.S. shouting 'Allahu Akbar!' and shoots the place up, the media and law enforcement are puzzled for days as to motive. Same with the appearance of these resurgent contagious diseases.

Temple University in Philadelphia had a mumps outbreak, now at 140 cases. The Philadelphia Inquirer reported the story nonchalantly, avoiding their namesake with zero inquiry as to the cause and origin of this outbreak. Nearby University of Pennsylvania had three cases of mumps on campus with no explanation as to why.

If 140 MAGA hats suddenly appeared on students’ heads at any major university, the schools would request the assistance of the National Guard to create safe spaces, with endless tolerance committees and focus groups to address the sudden epidemic of racism, bigotry, white nationalism, and everything else associated with MAGA. Yet for mumps, mum's the word.

A cousin of mumps is measles, also returning to the scene just like the crummy remakes of one-time successful television shows. New York City declared a measles emergency after 285 cases occurred since last fall, including 5 individuals earning a trip to the ICU, perhaps in the same hospital bed Michael Moore visited after his movie bashing our health care system.

Mayor Bill de Blasio blamed the outbreak on a lack of vaccinations “in ultra-Orthodox Jewish communities in Brooklyn.” Sure, blame the Jews. Rep. Ilhan Omar was unavailable for comment and her office could not confirm any association with “Benjamins.”
The plumber is just a troll now, it's all he's got.

He used to take some pride in his arguments. Now he is just scoreboarding, bragging about every popup as if it were a grand slam.

Come to think of it, it is possible all his carefully researched arguments were just more skillful trolling all along.
He used to take some pride in his arguments. Now he is just scoreboarding, bragging about every popup as if it were a grand slam.

Come to think of it, it is possible all his carefully researched arguments were just more skillful trolling all along.
So you are saying he has devolved? If so I agree, but he has always leaned on nono for cover so how much lower than that could one go?
So you are saying he has devolved? If so I agree, but he has always leaned on nono for cover so how much lower than that could one go?

I would be assuming a lot to make any judgment of his ethics because all I really know about him is what he posts here. If he is being honest in all that, then he has declared his identity to pretty much the same level as I have mine, unlike most of the trolling cowards here who hide behind their illusion of anonymity. Thus my comments that people will be laughing at him for the rest of his life because anyone can know his real identity and see that he is a pure sycophant to t by what he posts.
I would be assuming a lot to make any judgment of his ethics because all I really know about him is what he posts here. If he is being honest in all that, then he has declared his identity to pretty much the same level as I have mine, unlike most of the trolling cowards here who hide behind their illusion of anonymity. Thus my comments that people will be laughing at him for the rest of his life because anyone can know his real identity and see that he is a pure sycophant to t by what he posts.
By "people", you mean you, right?
This is the one thing I cant figure out.
Either you are more than one, you have a psychological disorder where you believe you are more than one, or you are the spokesperson for "people".
This could be you and rat, or all three of you people.
Whatever it is, thank (all of) you for the time.
