The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Maybe you would like to tell the widow her legal immigrant dead husband isn't worth as much as a law breaking murdering illegal alien scumbag that should have never been allowed in to our country.
Theyʻre afraid of women with big balls.
You mean by limiting immigration judges, immigration and entry through proper border crossings t is forcing those seeking a better life into the far reaches of the mountains and deserts where many die.
Dangling the carrot is killing these people as well as US citizens.
Votes at all cost.
That must be why the Fed is printing that money, Bruddah.

Now, about that asset. My uncle just bought a new Tractor with his HELOC. Does his bank have a Caterpillar on their books now?

Kek. Sucker.
But the Fed isnʻt “printing” money at the moment. Thatʻs why youʻre feeling left out, Spigot boy.

Your uncle is smarter than you. He is long term leasing out the Caterpillar to pay off both the HELOC and his mortgage. He got a sweet deal on the caterpillar because he knows one of the Cat Execs. Caterpillar gets subsidies through the U.S. Import/Export Bank and thus CAT machinery is much cheaper for both your uncle and the Aussie co. that he leases the CAT to. He is able to live in his home while his HELOC money works to pay off both liabilities. In other words, his home has some income that comes to both the bank while also netting him some income that he defers to his LLC so he can take a lower salary in anticipation of you people voting for AOCʻs New Green Deal that wants to tax your uncleʻs income at 70%. Brilliant dude your uncle!!

Definitely not a Fries U grad!