The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

There is no such thing as health insurance.

And yes your house is an asset for the bank.
You understand how mortgages work but you don’t understand how real estate works ...that’s so odd.
The mortgage loan is an asset for the bank, but not the house. The house is an asset for the homeowner.
You understand how mortgages work but you don’t understand how real estate works ...that’s so odd.
The mortgage loan is an asset for the bank, but not the house. The house is an asset for the homeowner.
You seem to understand how real estate works but you donʻt understand how mortgages and real estate work together. But you pay every month and thatʻs all the understanding the bank cares about.
Just another angry black person millionaire sore losing bitch.
Shut up and dribble.

WATCH: Charles Barkley Says Trump Presidency Proves Why Fans Shouldn't Get All-Star Game Vote

The Associated Press
Broadcaster and former NBA Star Charles Barkley often dips into politics during his sports commentary. However, on Friday he took it a step further by saying the fans should not be able to vote on the All-Star game because they also voted for President Trump. Which, in Barkley’s mind, proves that the fans have bad judgment.

The Turner Sports NBA analyst tossed out his anti-democratic views during Thursday’s broadcast of TNT’s Inside the NBA, as the panel discussed the upcoming All-Star game, according to Awful Announcing.

Barkley was apparently taking issue with the fact that basketball fans have a say in who plays during the All-Star game, by voting online for their favorite players.

As the panel talked of the game, Barkley dryly cut in and said, “I don’t like the fans voting.”

Kenny Johnson was a tad taken aback and told Barkley, “You’re a fan.”

At that point, Ernie Johnson noted that fans have been voting for quite a while: “Get used to it, it’s only been happening your entire life.”

But Barkley was undaunted. He went on saying, “That don’t make it right. Look what happened last time we let them make a big decision. Get a clue: White House.”

Johnson was shocked at the suggestion that Americans should have their vote taken away because Charles Barkley does not like their choice for president and scoffed, “So you should take that vote away from the fans too?”

Barkley’s distaste for President Donald Trump is unsurprising. Only a few months ago he said he was “angry and disgusted” with the Trump era.

It is also unsurprising to see Barkley attack voters. After all, the former L.A. Lakers was heard slamming the “ignorant” voters in Alabama who were so happy to get a visit from the president.

He also campaigned hard to defeat the Republican Senate candidate during the 2017 special election in Alabama.
JANUARY 5, 2019
The Results of Obama's Presidency Still Don't Matter to Journalists
By Jack Hellner
I read frequently what a good or even great a president Barack Obama was, and how his administration was virtually free of scandals. We also frequently hear how bad a President Trump is and how corrupt he is.

Somehow when journalists and others spew forth with these generalities, I never see the examples of what makes Obama
good or great, and what makes Trump so bad. So, I thought it would be good to fill in some of the blanks, because results should be what makes a President good or bad. (Of course, Obama got a Nobel Peace Prize for doing nothing other than giving a speech, so he has been idolized for a long time for a blank slate).

In 2008 Terrorism deaths Worldwide were 15,708. In 2009 they were 15,310. By the last three years of Obama’s Presidency, terrorism deaths had risen to 32,763, 29424 and 25,722. The first two years of Trump’s presidency are back down to below 19,000. It is no surprise that terrorism deaths rose when Obama called ISIS the JV team and drew a fatuous red line in Syria, did everything he could to build up the terrorist-sponsoring Iran, and even stopped a U.S investigation into drug running by the terrorist Hezb’allah organization. Thank goodness we now have Trump instead of Hillary who even said, “What difference does it make?” when people died in Benghazi, and who was so lawless with classified information.

USA Today

Terror-related deaths have fallen for the third consecutive year around the globe,

After peaking at about 34,000 deaths in 2014, terrorism-related deaths fell by 44 percent last year to 18,800,

Military defeats of the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, in Iraq and Syria and the Nigerian government “breaking the back” of Boko Haram are the main reasons for the drop in deaths related to terrorism, Killelea said. Afghanistan recorded the highest number of terror-related deaths among all countries.

Overall, deaths at the hands of the Islamic State dropped by 52 percent in 2017, according to the report. Killelea predicted that the group will no longer rank as the deadliest terrorist organization in 2018.

President Obama strengthened tyrants in China, Cuba, Iran and Russia throughout his eight-year presidency. He did little to stop North Korea. Trump, in contrast, is weakening the economies of tyrants throughout the World with sanctions, tariffs, getting out of the Iran deal and increasing oil production. He appears to have scared North Korea into stopping the threatening of its neighbors.

Tillerson and Kelly said they had to keep Trump from breaking laws, but they never accused him of breaking actual laws. Obama and those he surrounded himself with didn't care. Sanctuary cities and states and DACA are just two examples.

The Obama administration illegally spied on thousands of Americans, including political opponents. The Obama administration also illegally unmasked names of people surrounding Trump. We have seen nothing similar under Trump.

Obama’s policies gave us the slowest economic recovery in seventy years despite almost zero interest rates, massive federal injection of funds, substantial government spending increases and an increase of around $10 trillion in debt. Trump has given us the fastest annual growth since 2005. Obama gave us the lowest labor participation rate in forty years. Trump has brought the unemployment for all races, all education levels and all sexes to record lows.

Obama rewarded political bundlers with jobs and contracts. Trump has given almost 100% of U.S. taxpayers and businesses more money to improve the economy, whether they donated to him or supported him or not. Elizabeth Warren and others say, without evidence, that Trump’s policies only benefit the rich. What a crock. It appears that almost the only people that may pay more taxes are higher income people from high tax states that may lose some deductions. It is the Democrats who are trying to protect those rich people, not Trump. Democrats are also the ones that push the $7,500 tax credit for electric vehicles where almost all the credits go to wealthier people who pretend they care about the environment while they virtue-signal their neighbors.

Obama used the EPA, CFPB and Justice Department to blackmail companies and set up slush funds for political purposes and to reward supporters. The slush funds are gone after Trump was elected.

Obama took away freedom of choice on health care and premiums, and out of pocket expenses rose rapidly. Trump has given freedom of choice back and all of a sudden, prices are stabilizing in 2019. It must be a coincidence. Obama also illegally diverted funds, without going through the cumbersome legislative process, when Obamacare was coming up short. It also was Democrats who diverted Medicare funds to Obamacare, not Trump or Republicans.

Obama also violated freedom of speech rights of political opponents through IRS. He weaponized the Justice Department to protect people who violated laws who worked for him, while they were used to target Trump and those who surrounded him. Yet journalists overwhelmingly continue the fiction that no one was above the law during Obama’s eight years and that the Justice Department treats all of us equally.

A fictional Russian collusion narrative perpetuated by a fraudulent dossier created out of thin air and paid for by Hillary and the DNC is not about Trump corruption. The clear case of corruption resides with the Obama Administration colluding with the DNC and Hillary to elect Hillary and destroy Trump. The complicit media is a co-conspirator for perpetuating the fraud.

It is also not a campaign finance violation to use personal money to pay off blackmailing porn stars and Playboy bunnies. It should be a campaign finance violation to steal taxpayer money to hide scandals of members of Congress. If Pelosi actually wants transparency, she will release the names of all cases where taxpayer money was used to protect incumbents.

The egotistical, narcissistic Obama said he would stop sea levels from rising when he became President but he couldn’t even keep his promise to let people keep their Doctor, Plan and lower premiums.

I honestly can’t think of anything Obama did domestically or relating to foreign policy that made the U.S. or World safer and stronger. I wish these people that say that Obama was good or great would come up with a list of policies that were meant to make the U.S. as a whole better -- private sector. Obama came into office saying he wanted to remake America. I believe that is true. He wanted to remake America to weaken its power throughout the world and to make the government stronger and make more people dependent on it. Those are lousy goals.

Image credit: cropped from White House Archives
JANUARY 5, 2019
Trump's Space Force: We Win, They Lose
By Chriss Street
President Trump’s establishment of the ‘Space Force’ as a branch of the U.S. military recognizes that America is on the verge of “We win, and they lose” strategic dominance.

In the 36 years since President Ronald Reagan launched his Strategic Defense Initiative, referred to by critics as “Star Wars,” the United States has invested about $254 billion in a series of precision guidance weapons and anti-missile technologies. Following Clinton and Obama administration opposition, President Trump is finally rolling out America’s first integrated terrestrial and space-based system to defend against missile attacks.

President Trump on June 18, 2018 directed the Department of Defense to immediately begin the process to establishing ‘Space Force’ as the sixth branch of the armed forces. The directive ordered an acceleration of space technology and development initiatives; developing and fielding new next-generation capabilities for national security; creating a unified combatant command, to improve, evolve, and plan space warfighting.

The White House release was first thought to be a response to President Vladimir Putin releasing a video in March to a conference of military officials showcasing Russia’s new array of hypersonic missiles that can fly at Mach 20 and carry nuclear weapons that are 6500 times more powerful than the U.S. bomb dropped on Hiroshima. Putin claimed Russian nuclear weapons are “absolutely invulnerable for any missile defense system.”

But the TASS News Agency reported in August that Russia’s FSB state security arrested scientist Viktor Kudryavtsev for treason after conducting raids on two weapons laboratories that confirmed top secret files on its “Dagger” and “Avangard” hypersonic maneuverable re-entry vehicles that can deliver conventional or nuclear payloads had been leaked to NATO. TASS also reported another Russian hypersonic expert was convicted of leaking “a software system able to compute optimized aerodynamic characteristics of hypersonic aircraft containing state secrets” to the Chinese military.

The United States Air Force quietly began glide-testing for a Boeing autonomous spaceplane prototype built for NASA that looked like a miniature Challenger Space Shuttle in 1998. With the President George W. Bush withdrawing the U.S. from the 30-year-old Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty in 2002, the program was renamed the X-37 and transferred to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).

Three autonomous X-37s were built and launched into low earth orbits during the Obama Administration, including an X-37B flight that lasted 717 days. A supposedly unarmed X-37B was launched by the Trump Administration on September 7, 2017 and was in an orbit that flew over North Korea early on January 4, 2019.

The Trump Administration announced in May of 2017 that DARPA awarded Boeing’s Southern California Phantom Works a contract to build XS-1 Phantom Express spaceplanes. The Pentagon required “aircraft-like” performance capability to conduct at least 10 flights in as many days. Potentially manned spaceplanes featuring vertical take-off and conventional runway landing are expected to test at the top-secret Area 51.

For Space Force targeting, a SpaceX Falcon Block 5 reusable rocket launched the first of 10 Lockheed GPS 3 low-orbit satellites into a constellation orbit on December 23. To minimize vulnerability from Russian and Chinese anti-satellite efforts, the dual use civilian/military GPS 3 navigational tracking system features three times greater accuracy and up to eight times more anti-jamming capabilities than the existing GPS satellites.

The cyber-secure XS-1s and GPS 3 satellite network will be fully-integrated with Raytheon’s OCX next-generation terrestrial ground control anti-missile coverage can track multiple objects and extend coverage to hard-to-reach areas such as urban canyons and mountainous terrain.

The Trump Administration has not been trumpeting what appears to be America’s disruptive lead in ‘Star Wars’ capabilities. But DARPA commented:

"In an era of declining budgets and proliferating foreign threats to U.S. air and space assets, routine, affordable and responsive access to space is essential to enabling new military space capabilities and rapid reconstitution of space systems during crisis.”

As in much else, Donald Trump is leading way in defending America’s interests in space.
Fortunately, all we have to do is look st the House Dem leaders and the House GOP leaders to see who is heading into the future as representing Anerica. Hence the Trumpies’
AOC is your girl. All that is left is to “impeach the mother fucker”
Fortunately, all we have to do is look st the House Dem leaders and the House GOP leaders to see who is heading into the future as representing Anerica. Hence the Trumpies’
Stretch Pelosi and schmuckey schumer?
You really need to raise your standards.
Someone needs to explain to the foul mouthed antisemite how that works.
After the embarrassing impeachment proceedings that the idiots brought against Clinton, I would just hope that the Dems don’t bring proceedings that can’t win.
Have to wait to read the Mueller report, to see if Trump has committed any crimes worse than the obstruction of justice we observe daily.
I think it was Joe whom I asked, just yesterday, when was the great America that Trump wants to make Great Again and what were the highest fed rates then? Take a look!
The most recent and highest “fed rates” was under Jimmy Carter. Great time to be a saver. But maybe you got your terminolgy all twisted up from Fries U.