The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Instead of putting him jail, Mueller hit him with a new indictment - and one for his Russian cow-orker as well.
You must be mistaken.
The real espola assured me he was already in jail.
Who are you?

They have cowboys working for them?
You're an imposter.

Donald J. Trump


Robert De Niro, a very Low IQ individual, has received to many shots to the head by real boxers in movies. I watched him last night and truly believe he may be “punch-drunk.” I guess he doesn’t...

1:53 PM - Jun 12, 2018

Donald J. Trump


...realize the economy is the best it’s ever been with employment being at an all time high, and many companies pouring back into our country. Wake up Punchy!

1:53 PM - Jun 12, 2018
Corey Stewart! VA did Nazi that coming!

Now Killary is for sure going down, with her tranny marrying muslim Obummer! Just ask Devin Nunes. He's got the deep state in his crosshairs! Don't mess with Fresno!
I'm still waiting to hear what it was Trudeau said that was so offensive to the cry baby in chief, offending him and his spokesmen? So far crickets . . .

Because he was a puss just like you. Couldn't say shit when actually at the summit but instead hid behind the mic.

Akin to the neighborhood kid who who yells shit at someone a block away. A tactic I'm sure you're very familiar with.
I can't believe that TWO of America's reporters were So Rude to YELL *questions* at the honorable Mr. Kim! Don't they know he is a Very Good Friend of our Potus and just because he starves his people, kills people with a shoulder fired rocket, has nukes and missiles and killed his brother with gas in an airport and oversaw the torture to death of a rude American who STOLE a poster, is no reason to yell and him and be rude! Brad Parscale is very upset and I Can't Blame Him! How we gonna MAGA with all this yelling and everything! I just hope we drop all the sanctions nonseness before Kim runs out of twinkies. I think he's losing weight!! MAGA!!
You must be mistaken.
The real espola assured me he was already in jail.
Who are you?

They have cowboys working for them?
You're an imposter.
Friday, Hillary gets exposed on Thursday, Manafort has his bail revoked on Friday . . . so Thursday will be a big day for you, Friday reality sets back in.
His People LOVE him with Great Fervor!!! How can you ignore the great fervor??? The great fervor cannot be stoped!!!!

Killary will be locked up by Kim and his people's great love fervor!!!! Who doesn't love a fat, gouty dictator? I know our Potus does and I'm With Him!
Corey Stewart! VA did Nazi that coming!

Now Killary is for sure going down, with her tranny marrying muslim Obummer! Just ask Devin Nunes. He's got the deep state in his crosshairs! Don't mess with Fresno!


“Congratulations to Corey Stewart for his great victory for Senator from Virginia," the president tweets.

Trump warns voters not to underestimate Corey Stewart


06/13/2018 06:36 AM EDT

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President Donald Trump on Wednesday praised Republican Corey Stewart for advancing through the GOP primary in Virginia, saying that voters shouldn’t “underestimate” the controversial Stewart while labeling Democratic incumbent Sen. Tim Kaine “a total stiff.”

The conservative Stewart has pushed a vehemently anti-immigration stance, has defended confederate civil war monuments and displayed the confederate flag at events.

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“Congratulations to Corey Stewart for his great victory for Senator from Virginia. Now he runs against a total stiff, Tim Kaine, who is weak on crime and borders, and wants to raise your taxes through the roof. Don’t underestimate Corey, a major chance of winning!” the president tweeted early Wednesday morning after he landed at Andrews Air Force Base from his trip to Singapore to meet with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un.

Stewart won the primary Tuesday night over former Green Beret and Virginia Delegate Nick Freitas (R-Culpeper), who had the support of the GOP establishment.

After Stewart’s win, Bill Bolling, Virginia’s former Republican lieutenant governor, posted on Twitter his displeasure with Stewart’s nomination.