The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

I will say I stayed in Wasilla for a week once in the hotel a couple hundred feet from her home and no one there had anything bad to say about the family. There I said something not bad about her! :rolleyes:
I knew all my hard work in here would pay off, congratulations, you have been duly deputized.
Sure, why not.
Ok, Ayatollah joe. You want the same things in life, guns, subordinate women and minorities, zealous religious rule and all the world's oil. Welcome to the new reality where people who call themselves Republicans and uber patriotic Americans favor the likes Putin, the Ayatollah, Duterte, Erdogan over democratic rule . . . good luck with all that.
Ok, Ayatollah joe. You want the same things in life, guns, subordinate women and minorities, zealous religious rule and all the world's oil. Welcome to the new reality where people who call themselves Republicans and uber patriotic Americans favor the likes Putin, the Ayatollah, Duterte, Erdogan over democratic rule . . . good luck with all that.
Back away from the edge, you have so much to live for.
Back away from the edge, you have so much to live for.
Therein lies the problem, I know where I stand (and check it all the time), you even after being shown where you are being led just close your eyes and continue to follow ("anarchy or bust" . . . and Putin smiles).
Kim is in a corner, checkmate is a nice way to put it.
Anything he does hostile at this point is Game Over.....

Iran is next and they KNOW it....!
Nonsense. What the world knows is Trump is an ignorant joke of a leader. He's a high flying carnival barker.
And you peoples best candidate got her ass smoked, I would quit while you are behind if I were you.
The overwhelming majority of America disapproves of Trump and did not vote for him, period. Russians PR guy here in the USA did get some help from his benefactor to get elected, that is a now a given and you applaud.
You idiot, you're the one being played & Joe's the one playing you like a fool....
I am sure that's what you tell yourself to believe. Hilarious how you guys just throw out assertions (just make shit up) and the only ones that believe you is nutters in fantasyland. I laugh at you and your attempts.