The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

“There are those people who are in your corner no matter what, you can’t do any wrong, even when you do wrong. And then there are those people that no matter what you do they’re going to dislike you and that’s not going to change.”
"Oh look! We can put him in Omarosa's old spot standing next to Ben Carson! That makes two! Just don't bring him home for dinner."

You're one Racist Fuck Face....

Be glad you wear that " Swastika " on the inside of your
" Iron worker " hardhat.....saves you from a daily ass whoopin....
Fake news we missed during the campaign --

Saying, “New Mexico. Mexico. It’s all the same. The word Mexico is in the name of both places, isn’t it?,” Republican presidential contender Donald Trump doubled down on his controversial comments about Mexico during a campaign speech here, telling supporters that he would, “Build a fence around New Mexico and make them pay for it” if he becomes president.

“First thing I’d do — and mark my words on this one — I’d call (New Mexico Governor) Susana Martinez and say to her, ‘Listen, sweetie, cut the crap and quit sending the worst of your worst to all the other states, the rapists and murderers and drug dealers and all the other low-lifes you have there in Santa Fe.’ I mean, come on, the meth problem is so bad there they made a documentary about that Walter White character, cooking up drugs in an RV out in the desert,” he continued, adding, “And now there’s a new show out there glorifying his scumbag attorney. Well, the buck stops with me. Look it up. I’m very rich and I’m also a nice guy.”​
Iz that taking away her time in the diagnosis of you?
Yeah, I would deflect, ignore and look the other way as well if my hero was Trump. Think of it this way, he's just another nutter like you that inherited a lot of money . . . he's still unhinged, crazy, babbles nonsense and believes non-sensical things, just like you!
Yeah, I would deflect, ignore and look the other way as well if my hero was Trump. Think of it this way, he's just another nutter like you that inherited a lot of money . . . he's still unhinged, crazy, babbles nonsense and believes non-sensical things, just like you!
Do you think he will get the nobel peace prize? If they gave it to the war monger, Obama, before he even had a chance to find out where the bathrooms were Trump should be a shoe in.
Do you think he will get the nobel peace prize? If they gave it to the war monger, Obama, before he even had a chance to find out where the bathrooms were Trump should be a shoe in.
No, no one with any self-respect actually likes Trump. One needs to respect someone before they actually like them. People use him, but that's about it.
Yeah, I would deflect, ignore and look the other way as well if my hero was Trump. Think of it this way, he's just another nutter like you that inherited a lot of money . . . he's still unhinged, crazy, babbles nonsense and believes non-sensical things, just like you!
JMDS , you have and continue to deflect, ignore and look the other way in a vain attempt to appear cognoscente & are one happy idiot.