The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Funny cartoon. A few questions.

What’s the current status on that big beautiful wall Mexico is paying for? A tiny portion of the Republican budget is earmarked for border security, to maintain the existing border structure. But that has no provisions for all new wall.

The economy for the 2009 through 2016 has been a steady rise. What laws or actions in the past 15 months have improved upon that steady rise?

What better trade deals have been negotiated and completed?

And what new infrastructure projects are underway or were started and completed in the last 15 months?
The extra chunky nutters don't care about "progress", "improvements", "coming through on campaign promises", "Law & Order", or "The security of our country", that's not what the Trump thing is all about. It's about hate, vengeance and the perceived retribution for their years of abuse as victims of liberal society. "Some men just want to see the world burn."
The extra chunky nutters don't care about "progress", "improvements", "coming through on campaign promises", "Law & Order", or "The security of our country", that's not what the Trump thing is all about. It's about hate, vengeance and the perceived retribution for their years of abuse as victims of liberal society. "Some men just want to see the world burn."

Good God another post by Rat spewing Hatred and Vile comments.....
Go get a life....your party is broke and now it's going to
be torn apart by the Sex Cult Scandal......

I think you have to give credit where credit is due. If Trump can put the North Korea situation to bed then I might actually be convinced to vote for him. Well maybe I won't really go that far, but it would be quite and achievement.

That said, there is part of me that thinks this is some Putin hustle where he's getting the short fat guy dictator to play the stupid Americans to think real progress is being made with North Korea, so Trump seems to have a major achievement that falls apart by December to sell to the defense hawks...
I think you have to give credit where credit is due. If Trump can put the North Korea situation to bed then I might actually be convinced to vote for him. Well maybe I won't really go that far, but it would be quite and achievement.

That said, there is part of me that thinks this is some Putin hustle where he's getting the short fat guy dictator to play the stupid Americans to think real progress is being made with North Korea, so Trump seems to have a major achievement that falls apart by December to sell to the defense hawks...
I think you should know that Obama isn't president anymore, Inhate to be the one to tell you the bad news.
I think you should know that Obama isn't president anymore, Inhate to be the one to tell you the bad news.

I hope you know an election is coming in November. People are saying it's going to be a referendum on Republican leadership.

All ima say is the fact you're talking about Obama and not crowing about how much Trump and Republican's have done for American voters tells me you must be aware this could go very badly for Trump.
I hope you know an election is coming in November. People are saying it's going to be a referendum on Republican leadership.

All ima say is the fact you're talking about Obama and not crowing about how much Trump and Republican's have done for American voters tells me you must be aware this could go very badly for Trump.
You mean like every midterm?
Almost 18 months have passed since Hillary Clinton lost the presidency. She holds no position of power in government. And she is not expected to run for office again.

Yet Clinton is starring in the Republican Party's 2018 midterm strategy.

With control of Congress up for grabs this fall, the GOP's most powerful players are preparing to spend big on plans to feature Clinton as a central villain in attack ads against vulnerable Democrats nationwide. The strategy, which already has popped up in races in Pennsylvania, Indiana and North Dakota, illustrates the resilience and political potency of Republican voters' antipathy for Clinton. As difficult as it's been for Democrats to move past the Clinton era, it may be even harder for Republicans.

"STOP HILLARY. STOP PELOSI. STOP LAMB," read pamphlets circulated during the special election in Pennsylvania earlier this year. Lamb won the election, despite the flood of attack ads.

That's just a taste of what's to come as the November elections grow closer, say those who control the GOP's strategy in the first midterm elections of Donald Trump's presidency.

"I promise you that you'll continue to see it — Hillary Clinton starring in our paid media. She's a very powerful motivator," said Corry Bliss . . .

Critics suggest the strategy reeks of desperation, if not sexism. But with no Democrat to attack in the White House for the first time in nearly a decade, Republicans are betting big that the ghost of Clinton will serve them well in 2018. Saddled with Trump's poor approval ratings, they may have little choice.

A Clinton spokesman declined to respond to requests for comment.

A former Clinton staffer, Democratic strategist Jesse Ferguson, dismissed the Republican strategy as an act of desperation. Gallup reported this week that Trump's job approval is 39 percent, virtually the same as Clinton's.

"Their obsession with her is evidence that they have nothing to run on, and they're scared of running with the president," Ferguson said. "It reminds me of the guy at the office who goes to the water cooler, and all he does is boast about his high school football championships."
Hey, let's get everyone on the record. Who thinks Korea gives up Nukes before Trump is out of office?

Let's see whose got the cahones to make a stand.

I say "nay."
They have used the same game plan for decades. Too bad the "I don't read or do history" buffoon in charge now doesn't see the end around that's coming (the military leaders do).
Almost 18 months have passed since Hillary Clinton lost the presidency. She holds no position of power in government. And she is not expected to run for office again.

Yet Clinton is starring in the Republican Party's 2018 midterm strategy.

With control of Congress up for grabs this fall, the GOP's most powerful players are preparing to spend big on plans to feature Clinton as a central villain in attack ads against vulnerable Democrats nationwide. The strategy, which already has popped up in races in Pennsylvania, Indiana and North Dakota, illustrates the resilience and political potency of Republican voters' antipathy for Clinton. As difficult as it's been for Democrats to move past the Clinton era, it may be even harder for Republicans.

"STOP HILLARY. STOP PELOSI. STOP LAMB," read pamphlets circulated during the special election in Pennsylvania earlier this year. Lamb won the election, despite the flood of attack ads.

That's just a taste of what's to come as the November elections grow closer, say those who control the GOP's strategy in the first midterm elections of Donald Trump's presidency.

"I promise you that you'll continue to see it — Hillary Clinton starring in our paid media. She's a very powerful motivator," said Corry Bliss . . .

Critics suggest the strategy reeks of desperation, if not sexism. But with no Democrat to attack in the White House for the first time in nearly a decade, Republicans are betting big that the ghost of Clinton will serve them well in 2018. Saddled with Trump's poor approval ratings, they may have little choice.

A Clinton spokesman declined to respond to requests for comment.

A former Clinton staffer, Democratic strategist Jesse Ferguson, dismissed the Republican strategy as an act of desperation. Gallup reported this week that Trump's job approval is 39 percent, virtually the same as Clinton's.

"Their obsession with her is evidence that they have nothing to run on, and they're scared of running with the president," Ferguson said. "It reminds me of the guy at the office who goes to the water cooler, and all he does is boast about his high school football championships."
Hillary is a reminder to the world that Democrats nominated a candidate that sucked so bad that she lost to Trump. You people know it and, the GOP knows that if elected you will be the party of tax increases.