The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

I stand corrected. There are 7 major events in the verified dossier.

I lumped Trump getting a golden shower along with Trump engaged in perverted sex acts on tape as one. They each stand on their own.

My bad.
You people still in the pee barrel.
It is mostly likely the straw that will land her IN THE SLAMMER!!!!

Killary is going down!
O'Bummer is next!!
Then Mueller will be Locked! Up!!!! Along with Adam Schiff and George Soros!!!!!!!

I, for one, can't wait. Any day now... Oh the party we will have.
This a little pie in the sky.
Those people aren't subject to the same "laws" or "ethics" you people are.
You're smart enough to know that.
So, Chelsea Clinton is at a memorial for the 49 murdered Muslims and 2 of the towel heads berate her for dismissing Omar's antisemitism language and clinton apologizes, then Beto tells a joke about his wife and then has to apologize for being sexist and then apologizes for his white privilege for good measure.

Crazy Fucks.
So, Chelsea Clinton is at a memorial for the 49 murdered Muslims and 2 of the towel heads berate her for dismissing Omar's antisemitism language and clinton apologizes, then Beto tells a joke about his wife and then has to apologize for being sexist and then apologizes for his white privilege for good measure.

Crazy Fucks.
This post is useful.
He's just like my Huli Huli Boi! Talks a big argument, but carries a small mind. Read the backs of any good airport get-rich quick books lately huli?

Meanwhile, 100 cases of your favorite beer, just here for the taking... All you got to do is find that small stick and take a swing...
You chickens couldnʻt do simple division why would I expect you to pay off your bet.
Devin Nunes sure was clever. Just by suing Twitter because of a couple of parody accounts that made fun of him, no one is laughing at him anymore!
The Free Beacon, funded in large part by the New York hedge fund billionaire Paul Singer, hired the firm, Fusion GPS, in 2015 to unearth damaging information about several Republican presidential candidates, including Mr. Trump. But The Free Beacon told the firm to stop doing research on Mr. Trump in May 2016, as Mr. Trump was clinching the Republican nomination.
Correct. The Free Beacon hired GPS Fusion first to do some research on Trump, before the Clinton campaign hired them.
Solid company, people who matter acknowledge the veracity of most of that dossier. It holds up.