And that offense is?
His self-confessed obstruction of justice is sufficient to complete the offense.
And that offense is?
As the Mueller report comes out as t is abroad will he simply tell the pilot to fly him to Moscow?
What lies?
His self-confessed obstruction of justice is sufficient to complete the offense.
As the Mueller report comes out as t is abroad will he simply tell the pilot to fly him to Moscow?
This case is sure to end up in the Supreme Court on First Amendment grounds --
I wonder what position Justices k and Uncle Thomas will take (no pun intended).
Irony - the Virginia State Seal (and part of the State Flag) which is on display in every Virginia courtroom --
Fake News.His self-confessed obstruction of justice is sufficient to complete the offense.
Trump is going to prison? Really? Do tell!What do the "winners" think?
Should the Democrats go full blown socialist?
Perhaps run a winner like Hillary again?
When will Trump go to prison?
Shuuuuuuush....His self-confessed obstruction of justice is sufficient to complete the offense.
Be sure not to bring up the SDNY AG office. There’s nothing to see happening there on impeachment front.His self-confessed obstruction of justice is sufficient to complete the offense.
Once again you, like t, object to being held accountable for your own words.Fake News.
Trump is going to prison? Really? Do tell!
Also, what does “full blown socialist” mean?
What is half a socialist? You mean like Medicare and Social Security and free public education? Is that what you mean?
I don’t expect righties are all chicken shits. And really dumb.
You all need a history class.
Fake News.Once again you, like t, object to being held accountable for your own words.
VD. Does the military still award combat vets this honored service medal?Isn't he planning to be in Hanoi soon anyway?
Remember "my personal Vietnam"?