That you are a hypocrite? We all knew that already.
Poor Poor Rodent.......

You just don't learn......
That you are a hypocrite? We all knew that already.
This idiot seems unhinged. Is this a pattern for him? If bad Trump news came out today, it would make sense. Idiot MAGA people tend to explode when their baby man is getting cornered.Damn Rodent.....why must you bring such self inflicted pain to yourself....
You really need to do research.
Gee, another crook in t's Cabinet.
But I repeat myself.
The help wanted ad for the t admin read: "Like to do crime? Wanna do some more?"
This idiot seems unhinged. Is this a pattern for him? If bad Trump news came out today, it would make sense. Idiot MAGA people tend to explode when their baby man is getting cornered.
Haven't the sleazeballs figured out yet that taking a public political job like that means that every i they left undotted in their past will be found out? Or maybe they think that as long as t is getting away with it, they should try too.
He started all these one post threads with bat shit crazy rants. He’s as phony a Trump sycophant as. Well he’s bat shit crazy.Comfort food and the Liberal Lies won't seem so bad Mr....
He started all these one post threads with bat shit crazy rants. He’s as phony a Trump sycophant as. Well he’s bat shit crazy.
Surprised they didn't shoot the little bastard.
Mother Upset After Son Kicked Out of Class Over Pledge of Allegiance
By Stephanie Claytor Polk County
UPDATED 4:56 PM ET Feb. 17, 2019
LAKELAND, Fla. — An 11-year-old Polk County student refused to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance, and after explaining his reasons, he was kicked out of class and eventually arrested for being disruptive and disobeying commands to calm down and leave the classroom.
He was also suspended for three days.
- Incident hapened February 4 at Lawton Chiles Middle Academy
- Student refused to stand for pledge; arrest report says he called school leaders racists
- His mother, Dhakira Talbot, wants charges dropped
- More Polk County headlines
The incident happened at Lawton Chiles Middle Academy in Lakeland on February 4. The sixth-grader was arrested and taken to a juvenile detention center, charged with disrupting a school function and resisting arrest without violence.
The student's mother, Dhakira Talbot, said her son is in gifted classes and has been bullied at the school in the past.
"I'm upset, I'm angry. I'm hurt," she said. "More so for my son. My son has never been through anything like this. I feel like this should've been handled differently. If any disciplinary action should've been taken, it should've been with the school. He shouldn’t have been arrested."
The incident started when a substitute teacher asked the student to stand up for the pledge.
The student reportedly told the substitute teacher the flag was racist and the national anthem was offensive to black people.
In a statement to the district, the substitute teacher reported telling the 11-year-old boy "Why if it was so bad here he did not go to another place to live." She said he then said, "they brought me here."
She said she replied by saying, "Well you can always go back, because I came here from Cuba and the day I feel I'm not welcome here anymore I would find another place to live."
She wrote, "Then I had to call the office because I did not want to continue dealing with him."
Dhakira Talbot said the teacher was wrong.
"She was wrong. She was way out of place," Talbot said. "If she felt like there was an issue with my son not standing for the flag, she should've resolved that in a way different manner than she did," Talbot said.
According to the arrest affidavit, the student was arrested by the school resource officer because he refused to follow multiple commands, repeatedly called school leaders racist and was disruptive. They said he threatened to get the school resource officer and principal fired and to beat the teacher.
The student, who was with his mother when she was interviewed, told Spectrum Bay News 9 he didn’t threaten to beat the teacher.
Talbot is working with the Poor and Minority Justice Association to get some help with the matter.
"I want the charges dropped and I want the school to be held accountable for what happened because it shouldn’t have been handled the way it was handled," Talbot said.
A spokeswoman with the school district said students aren't required to participate in the Pledge of Allegiance, but the substitute teacher wasn't aware of this. The spokeswoman said the substitute teacher will no longer be able to work at any of the district's schools and the district is still looking into the matter.
Colin Kaepernick Successfully Shakes Down the NFL
By Christopher Paslay
On Friday, the NFL officially capitulated to washed up quarterback Colin Kaepernick and his social justice Gestapo, agreeing to settle Kaepernick's alleged "collusion" case under confidential terms.
"The resolution of this matter is subject to a confidentiality agreement so there will be no further comment by any party," the NFL said in a public statement, trying to keep its lack of backbone under the radar and out of the public eye.
The Associated Press speculated that Kaepernick made millions from the settlement, as did Carolina Panthers safety Eric Reid, who also sued the league. "Considering the lost salary both players claimed and legal costs, the settlement could have climbed into the tens of millions," the AP said in a recent article.
Kaepernick's shakedown of the NFL is now complete. He's not only gotten filthy rich off the NFL, but also managed to rewrite history, painting himself as a legitimate martyr of a legitimate cause — and an employable quarterback to boot.
Kaepernick is far from a martyr. In June of 2014, the 49ers signed Kaepernick to a six-year, $126-million deal, but because he chose to opt out of his contract to become a free agent after only three years, he received $39 million. What a hardship that must have been. As Kaepernick says in his lucrative Nike ad, "Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything."
Sacrifice. Yeah.
"I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color," Kaepernick told the NFL media in August of 2016. "To me, this is bigger than football, and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. ... If they take football away, my endorsements from me, I know that I stood up for what is right."
Ironically, Kaepernick received an endorsement from Nike for his protest, and most likely got paid by the NFL in Friday's settlement.
As for Kaepernick's "cause," this is as sketchy as his Nike ad about "sacrificing everything." Apparently, his kneeling during the National Anthem was about raising awareness for social issues, such as police brutality. Now, what is "raising awareness," exactly? Kaepernick kneels, and we supposedly think about police using excessive force in an impoverished neighborhood and then...what? What do we do then? I know what I do at that point: I watch the football game.
His feigned martyrdom and ill defined cause, coupled with his poor play, translate into Kaepernick being unemployable as a quarterback, despite the NFL settlement. Once upon a time, Kaepernick was an up-and-coming player with a bright future. The latter half of his six-year career is a different story. According to the 2016 Quarterback Tiers survey, which featured input from 46 coaches and evaluators, Kaepernick was only ranked as a "fourth-tier quarterback."
Granted, this ranking may have been high enough to earn him a job as a back-up in 2017, but signing Kaepernick would have come with a ton of extra baggage: the drama and polarizing nature of his political activism. Whether you agree or disagree with Kaepernick on any particular issue is beside the point. The fact remains that his politics has an effect on everything from locker room morale to ticket sales to press conferences to community relations. This added burden was simply too heavy for NFL coaches and general managers to take on, especially in exchange for a "fourth-tier" quarterback. To put it plainly, Kaepernick's shenanigans were simply not worth the investment.
The NFL is a business that operates according to supply and demand, as it should. Each player has a market value and is responsible for protecting this value not only through conditioning and training, but also through being an ambassador of the league. As everyone knows, injecting politics into a product can do irreparable harm to a product's market value and must be done with caution. Kaepernick, perhaps realizing that his once prominent stature in the NFL was all but gone, decided to throw caution to the wind when he began taking a knee during the National Anthem. How much this stemmed from his own ego as opposed to genuine altruism is not clear, but either way, Kaepernick knew what he was doing.
This is why Kaepernick — not the NFL owners, coaches, or general managers — should take responsibility for his lack of employment. The NFL owes Kaepernick nothing.
Yet the NFL still settled with him. Why?
Because those in charge compromised their integrity for political correctness. In 2019, anything deemed "social justice" is untouchable. For many Americans, Sunday football is not a suitable venue for political theater. Today's unending cycle of news forces enough toxic politics down everyone's throat, and a break from the muck is more than welcomed.
But when it comes to "social justice," all the world's a stage, whether you like it or not. Whether you have a slightly different perspective or worldview or not; many people saw Kaepernick's kneeling as extremely disrespectful to law enforcement, the military, and working-class Americans. Folks like Kaepernick are so convinced of their moral superiority that they feel they can intrude on your life at any time or in any place. Never mind the fact that you can still agree with the "cause" even though you don't want the nastiness of politics to stain the purity of an honest athletic competition on a Sunday afternoon.
In the end, the NFL decided to settle with Kaepernick and kowtow to social pressure instead of fighting the phony "collusion" suit. By doing so, the league not only allowed Kaepernick to further damage its product, but probably paid him millions to do it.
Image: Kate via Flickr.
Hey Joe I guess your words have consequences.@Sheriff Joe you are a racist prick and I promise if I ever meet you the little bastard will be you while I am stomping you into the ground. And if you think that I am fucking joking PM so that we can discuss it with my fists.
Good thing trump rescued that washed up qb.
Hey Joe I guess your words have consequences.
You guys are all chicken though. Won’t bet to back up claims and won’t face make a play. It’s like the Klan and their hoods at night, so nobody knows who they are.
If I was stupid and egotistical, I’d “read a book about it” and form an opinion.
If there were anti-gravity books, and I was stupid and egotistical, I’d form an opinion about that too.
Urine idiot.Hey Joe I guess your words have consequences.
You guys are all chicken though. Won’t bet to back up claims and won’t face make a play. It’s like the Klan and their hoods at night, so nobody knows who they are.
Speaking of small Johnsons. Check out the size of Trump’s junk in this thread picture.You are one to talk. You have zero athletic ability in your bloodline, a small penis and you clearly don’t do that well for yourself. How much credit card debt are you in @Sheriff Joe ? Someone as racist and dumb as you clearly has financial problems.
He will hide like all racist cowards do. PM me Joe you pu$$y.
What’s up with this?You are one to talk. You have zero athletic ability in your bloodline, a small penis and you clearly don’t do that well for yourself. How much credit card debt are you in @Sheriff Joe ? Someone as racist and dumb as you clearly has financial problems.