Bruddah IZ
Fries U strikes again!Oh the left,
CNN anchor: Should taxpayers pay for Karen Pence’s Secret Service given that her school disapproves of homosexuality?
Allahpundit Jan 18, 2019 4:41 PM
Top Pick
Fries U strikes again!Oh the left,
CNN anchor: Should taxpayers pay for Karen Pence’s Secret Service given that her school disapproves of homosexuality?
Allahpundit Jan 18, 2019 4:41 PM
Top Pick
Fake News.When Obama left office, Jan 20, 2017, the Dow closed at 19,827. When he entered office, Jan 20, 2009, the Dow closed at 7,949. In other words, in his 8 years in office the Dow went up roughly 150%. If Trump stays in office 8 years, the Dow would have to be 49,369 for his term in office to equal Obama’s as it relates to the stock market and the Dow Jones Industrial average.
Furthermore, private sector job growth was up 2.2 million in 2016, Obama’s last year in office while job growth in 2017, Trump’s first year, was up 2.1 million. First quarter 2018, job growth was 605,000. Job growth in the first quarter of 2016 was 606,000. Again, job growth under Obama was marginally better than under Trump.
In Obama’s last year, Bill OReilly, then the most popular Fox news host, complained that jobs created under Obama were misleading because the labor participation rate was only 63% which is virtually exactly where it is after the first quarter of 2018.
Average hourly wages grew approximately 3 percent in 2016 and were up approximately 2.3 percent in 2017. Once again, the self proclaimed jobs President, Donald Trump, has underperformed Obama despite doing away with what the Republicans call “job killing regulations”, a very large corporate tax cut and increases in deficit spending.
For modern presidents that served eight years, job growth in Bill Clinton’s two terms was 21.5 million. During the Obama administration, 17.3 million jobs were created. Ronald Reagan’s two terms added 15.9 million jobs, LBJ’s administration created 11.9 million private sector jobs and last (and least) George W Bush manage only 2.1 million in his 8 years.
"Fake news" is what Trump supporters say when they can't handle the truth, facts or reality.Fake News.
Really Fake News."Fake news" is what Trump supporters say when they can't handle the truth, facts or reality.
Poor things don’t know the difference."Fake news" is what Trump supporters say when they can't handle the truth, facts or reality.
I’m disappointed. I thought you were a patriot. Guess not.Ok, when you are done railroading Trump, better?
Who is this?Poor things don’t know the difference.
How do you feel about sanctuary cities/states and illegal aliens?I’m disappointed. I thought you were a patriot. Guess not.
I love this country. Sorry you feel badly about the constitution and the justice system.How do you feel about sanctuary cities/states and illegal aliens?
So, how do you feel about sanctuary.cities/states and illegal immigration?I love this country. Sorry you feel badly about the constitution and the justice system.
I know your friend Iz wants to change the tax code so that a house is not treated as a capital asset and he wants an investigation to determine the specific amount of votes which were switched to Trump as a result of the Russian interference in our election. Maybe you should travel with him to D.C. to start working on the changes you seek. I know you’d like to do something about transgender rights and immigration...those are actually issues in actual debate, unlike Iz’s issues, where he’s the only one concerned about them. Nevertheless, you’re a team. Hop to it!
Is that two questions?So, how do you feel about sanctuary.cities/states and illegal immigration?
Where is e -reader? That dick will believe anything.
Mueller team disputes BuzzFeed report claiming Trump told Cohen to lie
29 mins ago
Fries U. What a deal!I told these fools years ago (before t ran) that Russia was a conservatives paradise. Now they seem to think I was right . . . but they want Russia here.
Can you believe Hillary lost despite all the predictions?