The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Seems some people project onto individual #1 what they want and hear from individual #1 what they want to hear. Those same people seem to stay way from any information that disagrees with those presumptions.
Actually. Nope. Only because we want it ALL. Let me give you a little more fuel for the .

Klobuchar: "A president persuading a person to commit perjury would be obstruction. Is that right?"

Barr: "Yes."

Klobuchar: "You also said that a president — or any person — convincing a witness to change testimony would be obstruction. Is that right?"

Barr: "Yes."

After today’s news. LOL !! You ignorant bastard !
So, is this the one? Again?
Did you.hear RBG is cancelling her future speaking engagements?
Could you imagine that dude trump getting 3 Supremes?
A spectacularly failed strategy from Justice Ginsburg
By Anna L. Stark
Everyone thought Hillary Clinton would easily win the White House in 2016, apparently including even Supreme Court associate justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. At age 85, she is one of the oldest serving justices behind Oliver Wendell Holmes, who retired just before his 91st birthday, and more recently John Paul Stevens; who retired in 2010 at age 90. Justice Ginsburg stated she wanted to serve five more years and rebuked calls for her to retire during the Obama administration, claiming that her replacement, someone who shares her opinions on women's issues, was not guaranteed by allowing Obama to nominate her successor. Perhaps Justice Ginsburg believed that Ms. Clinton would be better suited to nominate a clone of herself.

Sometimes, the best laid plans go awry. President Trump not only succeeded at having both of his Supreme Court nominees confirmed, but may get the opportunity to nominate a third conservative judge. Ironically, Justice Ginsburg is gravely ill and may never return to the bench; the Senate Judiciary chairmanship has changed hands; and if the Kavanaugh confirmation process was obscene and downright disgusting – as they say, you ain't seen nothing yet!
JANUARY 18, 2019
Everything Is Racist: A Handy List
By Geoffrey P. Hunt
Anything, and everybody white is racist nowadays. Who knew that the 1953 Chevy Corvette that came only in Polo White, with white wall tires, was the ultimate in racist symbolism? We are covered in the white down of racism, everyday.

Postcard created by Art Fitzpatrick in 1953


Here’s more:

White Castle hamburgers, White hospital coats

White highway lines, White potatoes

White clouds, White shirts

White nurses uniforms, White-out typing correction fluid

White US Navy uniforms, White baseboard trim

White-out blizzards, White bridal gowns

White mayonnaise, Vatican papal election white smoke

Teeth whitening,, White boards in conference rooms

White navy beans, Soft-white light bulbs

White lightning, White frosting

White typewriter paper, White t- shirts

White snow, White belts and shoes

White toilet paper, White milk

White vanilla ice cream, White fettuccine alfredo

White pillow cases, White hair

White canvas sails, White Motor trucks

White dinner napkins, White picket fences

White doves, White seagulls

White apple blossoms, White rice

White whipped cream, White sandwich bread

White fluff, White eggs

White sneakers, White handkerchiefs

White gauze, White toothpaste

White cotton, White moonlight

White candles, White birches
So, after you people.lynch Trump, what is the media going to talk about?
How great the Dem 2020 field is?
Too Funny.
What “you people,” exactly? Who “lynched” Nixon? Mr. Mueller is a Republican. So is his new boss, Mr. Barr. They have been appointed by, or with the approval of, President Trump.​
You people, you mean. My people lost. The people that won are conducting the investigation. That’s why America works at times like this. Both sides remember there are laws and a justice system.
Yup. Lets see how many votes were stolen before we start dragging the net for anything else. Collusion equals what?
Yup. Lets see how many votes were stolen before we start dragging the net for anything else. Collusion equals what?

LOL !! Dragging the net. The republicans are doing pretty good with this investigation. You and your white hooded buddies are watching your boy in the White House fall.
Yup. Lets see how many votes were stolen before we start dragging the net for anything else. Collusion equals what?[/QHey, when you're at

I see no reason why, when you’re up on Capitol Hill urging them to revise the tax rules so that a house is no longer an asset, you can’t demand that they investigate how many votes were stolen. Go for need an outlet. Women are clearly not one for you.