The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

The president says we won. No more isis. He’s pulling out. He’s commander in chief. If you don’t respect his views, that’s your problem.
No. It is the Blue Waves problem. At least the Blue Wave is smart enough to not fight T on this. Chicken Hawk dems hungry for more dead soldiers and CINC wanting to bring his troops home prior to the 2020 election. Save money, save lives. Checkmate.
No. It is the Blue Waves problem. At least the Blue Wave is smart enough to not fight T on this. Chicken Hawk dems hungry for more dead soldiers and CINC wanting to bring his troops home prior to the 2020 election. Save money, save lives. Checkmate.
But you asked if someone could have congress declare war. But really you don’t want that and you’re happy he pulled out. Got it.
I hope you find satisfaction, but maybe that’s a different investigation that you can mount. So now you have two things to lobby Congress about! A declaration of war on Syria (did I get that right?) and an investigation seeking the number of votes stolen by Russians. Good luck! For myself, I’m eagerly awaiting the results of special prosecutor Mueller’s investigation to be revealed!
Me too. In the end Collusion will convolute itself. Just like you do real estate finance when you stumbled on your collateralized debt, making my asset point without realizing it. Kek!
But you asked if someone could have congress declare war. But really you don’t want that and you’re happy he pulled out. Got it.
Nope. Go back and read. Never mentioned war. This is why finance challenges you. You don’t read and comprehend. Fries U, what a deal!! But I am glad CINC made that decision.
Nope. Go back and read. Never mentioned war. This is why finance challenges you. You don’t read and comprehend. Fries U, what a deal!!
Only an idiot would suggest that congress needs to “authorize our presence” somewhere if you didn’t mean war. But of course, one did.
And again.
I will turn in hoping that you get congress to “authorize our presence” somewhere, as you suggest, and that you learn how many votes the Russians stole.
And I will awake eager to learn about tomorrow’s trump news...whether Christie refers again to all the “grifters” around him, or Barr assuring us that Mueller is a good man whose investigation should continue, or more news showing that Trump is promoting Russian national interests. So far, so good!
I will turn in hoping that you get congress to “authorize our presence” somewhere, as you suggest, and that you learn how many votes the Russians stole.
And I will awake eager to learn about tomorrow’s trump news...whether Christie refers again to all the “grifters” around him, or Barr assuring us that Mueller is a good man whose investigation should continue, or more news showing that Trump is promoting Russian national interests. So far, so good!
Fortunately, the Blue Wave is not trying to look like the War Party this close to elections. So no authorization will be forthcoming and bringing the troops home from an unauthorized presence is not a bad thing politically. Especially after the bombing today. None of us have sons there, mahalo ke akua. Let’s bring’em home.
Fortunately, the Blue Wave is not trying to look like the War Party this close to elections. So no authorization will be forthcoming and bringing the troops home from an unauthorized presence is not a bad thing politically. Especially after the bombing today. None of us have sons there, mahalo ke akua. Let’s bring’em home.
So you agree that Isis is defeated.
So now that; Trump is a national laughingstock, whose own lawyer essentially admitted yesterday that his campaign colluded with Russians, and is basically down to a bunch of WWE fans as his support...does he resign soon? Just asking.
No. It is the Blue Waves problem. At least the Blue Wave is smart enough to not fight T on this. Chicken Hawk dems hungry for more dead soldiers and CINC wanting to bring his troops home prior to the 2020 election. Save money, save lives. Checkmate.

"Chicken Hawk" dems? Not sure I follow the reference...
Rather then any kind of hawk like attitude, to not want to suddenly leave a huge power void in Syria for fears of who will take over seems like a common sense concern. Yet you dismiss such concerns as Chicken. lol

Guess that makes you a crazy Trump hawk, whereby 3rd grade twitter taunts and poorly considered policy are the soup de jour?
Can someone please tell me where Rudy is going with this?

Rudy Giuliani: ‘I never said there was no collusion’ between Trump campaign and Russia

Rudolph W. Giuliani claimed Wednesday night that he “never said there was no collusion” between President Trump’s campaign and Russia leading up to the 2016 presidential election.

In a remarkable, at times contentious, interview with CNN’s Chris Cuomo, the president’s lawyer was accused of contradicting his own past statements about collusion as well as what Trump and his supporters have repeatedly asserted. On Twitter, Trump has used the phrase “no collusion” dozens of times, and a number of those instances were direct denials that his campaign was involved with the Russian government.

Giuliani’s shocking declarations — several of which Cuomo called out as being false — quickly sent the Internet into a tailspin as many wondered what could have prompted the former New York mayor to suddenly change course.

Rudy Giuliani: "I never said there was no collusion between the campaign, or people in the campaign."

Rudy, tell us what you know...

— Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) January 17, 2019
[Rudy Giuliani just obliterated the goal posts on Trump-Russia collusion]

The heated exchange, one of many that occurred during the roughly 20-minute long interview, began shortly after Giuliani raged about the amount of “false reporting” on the Russia investigation.

“Mr. Mayor, false reporting is saying that nobody in the campaign had any contacts with Russia,” Cuomo responded. “False reporting is saying that there has been no suggestion of any kind of collusion between the campaign and any Russians.”

Giuliani jumped in.

“You just misstated my position,” Giuliani said. “I never said there was no collusion between the campaign, or between people in the campaign.”

Cuomo’s face contorted into an expression of disbelief. “Yes, you have,” he shot back.

As recently as July, Giuliani was asked by Fox News contributor Guy Benson, “Regardless of whether collusion would be a crime, is it still the position of you and your client that there was no collusion with the Russians whatsoever on behalf of the Trump campaign?”

“Correct,” Giuliani responded at the time.

But on Wednesday, Giuliani appeared to amend his previous comments on the subject.

“I said the president of the United States,” he protested, arguing that he had only ever said Trump himself was not connected to any Russian meddling in the 2016 election. “There is not a single bit of evidence the president of the United States committed the only crime you can commit here, conspired with the Russians to hack the DNC.”
So now that; Trump is a national laughingstock, whose own lawyer essentially admitted yesterday that his campaign colluded with Russians, and is basically down to a bunch of WWE fans as his support...does he resign soon? Just asking.
Yes, he will resign and give the presidency to Hillary, will you people STFU after that?
All this rain is your liberal tears.
Too funny.
When even Sarah Suckubus Liarface says you're racist - you are the picture next to racist in the OED!