The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

It’s ok to ignore all the corruption. It keeps you ignorant. How’s the wall coming along.
It's ok to ignore the question. It solidifies the fact you have no clue. How did that Hillary nomination work out? And you had to cheat to get her in?
Talk about funny yet sad.
She’s made out of plastic. I hope it’s recycled plastic.
This is recycled,
View attachment 3709

Look at this jackass desperately lying to all you happy republicans too.

Prove to the Forum he is Lying....

All YOU do is post your feelings.

Show some documented proof with financial breakdowns that dispute what he states.....

Until you provide definitive proof you are just another " Donkey " braying due to bleeding
from the rectum of lies as usual.....
QUOTE="Sheriff Joe, post: 237594, member: 1585"

This is recycled,


I once saw something like that, I left it's drunk ass on the " Stool " it was residing on....
Desperate times for the idiot-in-chief . . .

President Donald Trump's claims over Christmas that he had awarded 115 miles of new border wall construction in Texas appear to confuse work that's already funded and underway.

He knows his wall, and most likely his time as POTUS, are doomed and seems to be making an effort to at least appease the idiots already in his back pocket.

t has no idea how to relate to people, probably a trait he shares with some of his loyal pigeons. "Because at 7 it's marginal, right?" What a jackass.
He supposedly related to the Russians just fine. Now we just need to know how may votes the Russians stole for him to beat a candidate that was already softened by the Bernie and Comey bots.
Prove to the Forum he is Lying....

All YOU do is post your feelings.

Show some documented proof with financial breakdowns that dispute what he states.....

Until you provide definitive proof you are just another " Donkey " braying due to bleeding
from the rectum of lies as usual.....
We can start here and work from these

-4M working age Americans lost health care

-$1.5T corporate handout

-$779B deficit

-Worst Dec stock market since 1931

-17% increase in hate crimes

-2,654 migrant kids taken from families

-~40,000 gun deaths in 2017

But wait there’s more.

-US added to list of deadliest countries for journalists for 1st time ever

-US greenhouse gas emissions rise by 2.5%

-5 Trump aide guilty pleas

-17 (known) Trump/Russia investigations

-3 gov't shutdowns

-Numerous allies abandoned

-4M working age Americans lost health care

-$1.5T corporate handout

-$779B deficit

-Worst Dec stock market since 1931

-17% increase in hate crimes

-2,654 migrant kids taken from families

-~40,000 gun deaths in 2017

But wait there’s more.
Sucka doodle. Lol!

-US added to list of deadliest countries for journalists for 1st time ever

-US greenhouse gas emissions rise by 2.5%

-5 Trump aide guilty pleas

-17 (known) Trump/Russia investigations

-3 gov't shutdowns

-Numerous allies abandoned
But Hillary got the popular vote.

-4M working age Americans lost health care

-$1.5T corporate handout

-$779B deficit

-Worst Dec stock market since 1931

-17% increase in hate crimes

-2,654 migrant kids taken from families

-~40,000 gun deaths in 2017

But wait there’s more.
Are those 4 million who lost health care dead?
Are you counting Antifa in the hate crime numbers?
Are you talking about Illegal alien criminal kids?

-4M working age Americans lost health care

-$1.5T corporate handout

-$779B deficit

-Worst Dec stock market since 1931

-17% increase in hate crimes

-2,654 migrant kids taken from families

-~40,000 gun deaths in 2017

But wait there’s more.
Are you sure your numbers are right?
Sounds like Fake News.
DOW +1000