The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

This worked out well.

Lock! Him! Up!

Trump: I’m The Reason North Korea’s Willing To Talk
13 hours ago

This is working out well!

I'm almost tempted to take an end-of-year tour down the stupidity of Racist's Joe's opinions... but that would take another year at least...

Tell us about it,

You don't understand decorum and respect, you are a gutter-snipe.

HERE WE GO AGAIN: Blue checks are sharing MSNBC video of CBP agents pouring out water, don’t mention it happened under Obama

Posted at 10:11 pm on December 14, 2018 by Greg P.

We’re starting to see this video from January from Chris Hayes’ show on MSNBC making the rounds, but yet again, the blue checks sharing it aren’t telling the entire story.

The clip shows how CBP agents routinely destroy water and other supplies left by aid groups for illegal immigrants crossing the desert. If you click the link, Hayes is crystal clear that the videos he’s showing are from 2010 – 2017, but in light of the recent tragedy where a young girl died in ICE custody, it’s, of course, being used as a cudgel against the Trump administration. You can clearly see the timestamp in this frame is from 2011:


WOW: Judicial Watch report on when & how Dems’ ‘Russiagate’ narrative spread looks BAD for the Obama admin

Posted at 11:22 am on December 14, 2018 by Doug P.

Everybody knows that the Democrat narrative on the 2016 election got rolling early after Hillary Clinton lost in November of 2016, and Judicial Watch is reporting they’ve obtained documents showing that the Dems had help with those talking points from the highest levels of the federal government:

Judicial Watch


BREAKING: Judicial Watch released two sets of heavily redacted State Department docs showing classified info was researched & disseminated to multiple U.S. Senators by the Obama Admin immediately prior to President @realDonaldTrump’s inauguration. (1/5)


7:36 AM - Dec 14, 2018
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Judicial Watch: Documents Reveal Obama State Department Urgently Provided Classified ‘Russiagate’...
We made the deadline! Thank you everyone for what was truly a Department-wide effort!’ – former senior advisor to the assistant secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs, less than 24 hours before...

More current rumors from the fake news front -- The t inauguration committee raised and spent more than any previous inauguration. Among the businesses selling products and/or services to the inauguration committee was the Trump Organization, which rented space for offices and events and charged for food and support services at the TO hotels in DC, often at rates far above what was being charged by other similar DC businesses. The negotiator for many of those deals was Ivanka.
More current rumors from the fake news front -- The t inauguration committee raised and spent more than any previous inauguration. Among the businesses selling products and/or services to the inauguration committee was the Trump Organization, which rented space for offices and events and charged for food and support services at the TO hotels in DC, often at rates far above what was being charged by other similar DC businesses. The negotiator for many of those deals was Ivanka.
Trump has told his fans that he will use the office for personal gain and his family will rule. They like it!
More current rumors from the fake news front -- The t inauguration committee raised and spent more than any previous inauguration. Among the businesses selling products and/or services to the inauguration committee was the Trump Organization, which rented space for offices and events and charged for food and support services at the TO hotels in DC, often at rates far above what was being charged by other similar DC businesses. The negotiator for many of those deals was Ivanka.

God lord keep digging lefties...I heard Trump paid for parking tickets with campaign $s. Add that to his list of felonie charges.