I think a wider swatch of this country, well outside the stereotypical "fly over" states, has rightfully seen enough of Washington politics as usual. Regardless of party identity or leaning. By overlooking the enormously personally flawed Trump, in much the way Bill Clinton's flawed personal conduct did not stop his election and reelection, wanted in Trump true change in Washington. The first modern legitimate example of this outsider in power was Ross Perot's initial 30% plus national poll numbers in 1992. Enough people were willing to (and are still willing to) overlook gaping lapses of judgment, empathy, intelligence, common sense, ego, bravado, scandals, etc. to see through this anomaly toward Trump achieving whichever among many, a pick and choosing of his promises on a southern wall, restoration of pre-civil rights era America, normalization of racism, white supremacy, etc. Whichever promise(s) his diverse following are counting on him to carry out.
In the case of Perot, an honest and intelligent billionaire, but had enough quirky conspiracy theories and weird decisions (picked Stockdale for VP??) that he fell from his outsider pedestal to end up shaving off enough HW Bush support to clinch it for Clinton.
So many changes in our country's cultural norms have slowly taken place since the end of WWII. Though this is now at least a three generational time period, this is "progress" for most; "carnage" for others. We have had non-politicians as president many times, most recently Eisenhower.
Eisenhower was uniquely qualified for the obvious reasons, and knew how to act, behave, delegate, control, and oversee a government.
The outcome of Mueller's assignment, and the consequences AND reactions to it, are just a guessing game for everyone. It's a shame the "outsider" had to be so uniquely unqualified.