The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Published 4 hours ago
Mark Levin: A time for truth
By Mark Levin | Fox News

Life, Liberty & Levin - Sunday, December 9
On Sunday, Mark was joined by Steve Scalise who is the current representative for Louisiana's 1st congressional district, serving since 2008. Together they discussed all things from the Democratic party to the Southern border and more.

1. A sitting president CANNOT be indicted. That’s official DOJ policy since 1973. Neither the Special Counsel nor the Southern District of New York (SDNY) nor Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein can defy that 45-year-old policy.

2. SDNY is NOT expert in campaign finance violations and neither is the Clinton appointed district judge. They rarely handle campaign finance cases. The left-wing media and politicians are regurgitating what the prosecutors have merely filed in their own self-serving brief. The media and others intentionally refuse to look at the actual rules and context. They refuse to even question what these prosecutors have thrown together.

3. The actual campaign rules and context do NOT include Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) or infinite other contracts, payments, arrangements, acts of a private nature, etc. as campaign contributions. This is normal human behavior and was never intended to be regulated or reported. SDNY is dead wrong. And these private payments can be made in any manner or any amount. Again, they’re private payments involving private matters. To underscore, there’s no reporting requirement because they’re not campaign payments made with or without campaign funds.

4. SDNY inclusion of these charges in the Cohen plea deal was a sleazy political and PR attack against the president by an office coordinating with Mueller and aligned with Comey. SDNY knew Cohen would plead. It, therefore, knew its absurd allegations would not be tested in any courtroom — district, circuit or Supreme Court. If they were tested, SDNY would be hammered like a nail. But it knew the left-wing media and politicians would use the mere over-the-top allegations from its office, with absolutely nothing more, to claim the president committed campaign felonies. No due process. No assumption of innocence. They knew they couldn’t charge a sitting president. Thus, they convict the president in the press, not only an extreme act of professional misconduct but a violation of the very purpose of the DOJ memos banning the indictment of a sitting president while effectively indicting him in the court of public opinion, and watch as untold numbers of media personalities and former members of the SDNY, among others, use this dirty work to predict or demand the president’s indictment and/or impeachment.

5. As for impeachment, NDAs involving wholly private matters occurring before the president was even a candidate and completely unrelated to his office cannot legitimately trigger the Constitution's impeachment clause. Indeed, they could not be more irrelevant. The history of the clause and its “high crimes and misdemeanors” language make it crystal clear that the office and the president’s duties are not affected in any conceivable way by these earlier private contracts. Of course, Democratic Rep. Jerrold Nadler, another NYC radical, could not care less. He’s more than thrilled to be an executioner in this French Revolution redux. The Constitution be damned. Meanwhile, he and the others wave around the Constitution as if they’re defending it against a tyrant. It is they who are the tyrants
Throw em back!

Border security
Published 7 mins ago
Guatemalan teens 'severely' hurt after falling off border wall, US says

By Paulina Dedaj | Fox News

Two teens attempting to illegally cross the U.S. Border were severely injured last week after attempting to scale the wall, falling 18 feet.

Border agents said that at approximately 1 p.m. Friday, six aliens from Guatemala illegally entered the U.S. by climbing over the border wall just east of the San Luis Port of Entry.

A 14-year-old traveling with her mother fell 18 feet and sustained a serious back injury, officials said. Another teen, an unaccompanied 17-year-old girl, also fell and suffered an ankle injury.


Signs are located in multiple locations along the wall where the pair fell, warning about the dangers of scaling the structure. (U.S. Customs and Border Protection)

Yuma Station Border Patrol agents and emergency personal arrived on the scene. The 14-year-old was taken to a local medical center where she was then airlifted to a Phoenix hospital. The other teen was stabilized on the scene.

“The only legal and safe method of entry into the United States is through a designated Port of Entry,” said Yuma Sector Acting Chief Patrol Agent Carl Landrum. “People entering our country illegally, at places other than designated Ports of Entry, put themselves and their families in dangerous situations that could result in significant injury or even death.”

Signs are located in multiple locations along the wall where the pair fell, warning about the dangers of scaling the structure.

The four illegal immigrants with the injured teens were
Published 4 hours ago
Mark Levin: A time for truth
By Mark Levin | Fox News

Life, Liberty & Levin - Sunday, December 9
On Sunday, Mark was joined by Steve Scalise who is the current representative for Louisiana's 1st congressional district, serving since 2008. Together they discussed all things from the Democratic party to the Southern border and more.

1. A sitting president CANNOT be indicted. That’s official DOJ policy since 1973. Neither the Special Counsel nor the Southern District of New York (SDNY) nor Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein can defy that 45-year-old policy.

2. SDNY is NOT expert in campaign finance violations and neither is the Clinton appointed district judge. They rarely handle campaign finance cases. The left-wing media and politicians are regurgitating what the prosecutors have merely filed in their own self-serving brief. The media and others intentionally refuse to look at the actual rules and context. They refuse to even question what these prosecutors have thrown together.

3. The actual campaign rules and context do NOT include Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) or infinite other contracts, payments, arrangements, acts of a private nature, etc. as campaign contributions. This is normal human behavior and was never intended to be regulated or reported. SDNY is dead wrong. And these private payments can be made in any manner or any amount. Again, they’re private payments involving private matters. To underscore, there’s no reporting requirement because they’re not campaign payments made with or without campaign funds.

4. SDNY inclusion of these charges in the Cohen plea deal was a sleazy political and PR attack against the president by an office coordinating with Mueller and aligned with Comey. SDNY knew Cohen would plead. It, therefore, knew its absurd allegations would not be tested in any courtroom — district, circuit or Supreme Court. If they were tested, SDNY would be hammered like a nail. But it knew the left-wing media and politicians would use the mere over-the-top allegations from its office, with absolutely nothing more, to claim the president committed campaign felonies. No due process. No assumption of innocence. They knew they couldn’t charge a sitting president. Thus, they convict the president in the press, not only an extreme act of professional misconduct but a violation of the very purpose of the DOJ memos banning the indictment of a sitting president while effectively indicting him in the court of public opinion, and watch as untold numbers of media personalities and former members of the SDNY, among others, use this dirty work to predict or demand the president’s indictment and/or impeachment.

5. As for impeachment, NDAs involving wholly private matters occurring before the president was even a candidate and completely unrelated to his office cannot legitimately trigger the Constitution's impeachment clause. Indeed, they could not be more irrelevant. The history of the clause and its “high crimes and misdemeanors” language make it crystal clear that the office and the president’s duties are not affected in any conceivable way by these earlier private contracts. Of course, Democratic Rep. Jerrold Nadler, another NYC radical, could not care less. He’s more than thrilled to be an executioner in this French Revolution redux. The Constitution be damned. Meanwhile, he and the others wave around the Constitution as if they’re defending it against a tyrant. It is they who are the tyrants

  • Ken Starr on Trump's Legal Jeopardy: 'We're Nowhere Near' Indictable or Impeachable...

    Former independent counsel Ken Starr said recent legal developments may have been embarrassing for President Trump, but he doesn't believe the president is at risk of indictment or impeachment.

    Some Democrats in recent days have upped their rhetoric against Trump, following the release of a sentencing memo for his former attorney Michael Cohen.

    The memo says that Cohen made hush-money payments to women who allegedly had affairs with Trump, and those payments were made “in coordination with and at the direction of” Trump.

    Democrats have said if Trump is guilty of the same campaign finance violations that Cohen pleaded guilty to, then he could face serious trouble, including indictment or impeachment.


    On "America's Newsroom" Tuesday, Ken Starr said that's "a bit of overstatement," pointing out that campaign finances violations are notoriously difficult to prove.

    Turley: Potential Trump Campaign Finance Violations 'Very Serious,' But Difficult to Prove

    Graham: Special Counsel Should Have Been Appointed to Investigate 'All Things Clinton'

    He explained that prosecutors must be able to prove criminal wrongdoing, while the more likely explanation is that the women were paid off to prevent embarrassment.

    He noted that former Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards was unsuccessfully prosecuted over a similar scandal in 2008.

    "We're nowhere near an indictable offense from what we know, assuming that the president could be indicted," Starr said. "And I don't think we're anywhere near an impeachable offense, given what we now know."

    As for the parallel investigation into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia before the 2016 election, Starr said there's been no evidence publicly revealed, and he believes this aspect of the probe could be winding down.

    Watch more from Starr above
  • At a House Judiciary Committee hearing on Tuesday, Google CEO Sundar Pichai was asked by Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) why his 7-year-old granddaughter saw a photo of the congressman with inappropriate language while playing a game on her iPhone.
  • Pichai answered, "Congressman, iPhone is made by a different company."
  • The Democratic staff table erupted in laughter
  • At a House Judiciary Committee hearing on Tuesday, Google CEO Sundar Pichai was asked by Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) why his 7-year-old granddaughter saw a photo of the congressman with inappropriate language while playing a game on her iPhone.
  • Pichai answered, "Congressman, iPhone is made by a different company."
  • The Democratic staff table erupted in laughter

You're a tool for posting the comments of a smartass foolish CEO who knows what Rep Steve King
was implying.....I watched that Jackass Sundar Pinchybutthole skirt around hard questions....
Your " Hero " Democrats are a table full of Jackasses....ya tool.