The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Yea I really wont. It doesn’t make a difference really.
Then quit crying about it.
The more you envoke that bull shit the more you creat division, see the kenyan and his presidency if you don't believe me. Community organizers are nothing but trouble makers, see al, the Jew hater, sharpton.
Cohen lied to Congress about the t real-estate deals with Russians. That's a good place to start.
Anytime you feel like explaining the relevance of real estate deals and collusion in the election please do so. Don’t forget to tell us how many votes.
Knick Knack Low Fat Chocolate Milk is Back! Trump Administration Changes Obama Era School Lunch Rules
Timothy Meads | @timmymeadstweet | December 08, 2018


The Associated Press reports that President Donald J. Trump has scaled back yet another vestige of the Obama era that hampered America's happiness and presented a bleak future for our nation's kids; thanks to President Trump, this time it's the eradication of more-so-than-usual rotten school lunches forced upon our nation's innocents by President Barack Obama.

In an effort to promote healthy eating, First Lady Michelle Obama used her platform to encourage children and schools to exercise and to change their diets. Her husband's administration put in place certain standards for local school districts such as reduced sodium, fat free chocolate milk, and whole grain only requirements for breaded items such as pizza, grilled cheeses, and pasta. Some counties and districts were able to meet these standards and provide decent lunches. But this created numerous problems for schools who were unable to meet such standards, and as what happens with all centralized planning, instead opted for unique and paltry measures to reach these metrics.

The Obama Era School lunch days were so bad in some areas, #ThanksMichelleObama even became a trend as students across the nation showed off their dismal meals.

Here are a few examples:

However, as reported by NBC News, the U.S. Department of Agriculture recently announced changes to school lunch menus.

via NBC News:

The Trump administration is scaling back contested school lunch standards implemented under the Obama administration including one that required only whole grains be served. The U.S. Department of Agriculture said Thursday only half the grains served will need to be whole grains, a change it said will do away with the current bureaucracy of requiring schools to obtain special waivers to serve select refined grains foods.

Low-fat chocolate milk will also be allowed again. Previously, only fat-free milk could be flavored, although that rule had also been temporarily waived. A final goal for limiting sodium will be scrapped as well, but schools will still be required to meet reduced sodium targets.

Likewise, the School Nutrition Association said that eating whole grains weren't necessarily a problem per se, but requiring whole grain food certain items caused many in various regions across the country.

Diane Pratt-Heavner, a spokeswoman for the association, said whole-grain bread and buns generally aren't a problem. But she said students complained about other items, in many cases because of cultural or regional preferences. Finding whole-grain biscuits and grits that students like are a challenge in the U.S. South, she said, while tortillas are a challenge in the Southwest.

But other organizations disagreed, warning that the standards were working and the changes were unnecessary. For example, "The American Heart Association encouraged schools to 'stay the course' and commit to meeting the stricter standards that started going into effect in 2012."

However, "Brandon Lipps, deputy undersecretary for the USDA's food and nutrition division, said that at some schools that only serve whole grain foods, some is wasted if students won't eat it. In those cases, schools might now consider other options," according to Lipps.

MALKIN: Stop Partisan Corpse Abuse
by Michelle MalkinDecember 8, 2018

Impolite question, but it needs to be asked: Is there a Republican dead body that left-wing partisans won't use to bash Donald Trump?

This week's partisan corpse abusers callously exploited the passing of George H.W. Bush, America's 41st president, to get in their digs at the current commander in chief. Their vulgar level of incivility was inversely propositional to their sanctimonious calls for decency.

"The View's" Joy Behar rudely and crudely soiled the ABC show's tribute to the 94-year-old World War II hero and lifelong public servant. While Whoopi Goldberg and other panelists paid homage to Bush's character and love of family, Behar wielded an old Bush quote about federal Clean Air Act amendments to attack Trump on climate change. Her narcissistic pledge to become a "one-issue voter" on "pollution and the greenhouse effect" was interrupted when co-host Meghan McCain forcefully objected to the hijacking of their short-lived unity message.

Instead of apologizing for her ill-timed lapse into Trump Derangement Syndrome, Behar ripped into McCain while Goldberg cut to a commercial break. Not-so-joyful Joy reportedly shrieked in earshot of the audience: "Get this b—— under control" and told producers "If this s—- doesn't stop, I'm quitting this damn show. I can't take this much more."

Neither can my ears. Can't we just all get along?

MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski displayed a similar lack of restraint, extolling the Bush's legacy of bipartisanship not for its own sake — but to carp about how "over the last two years deviancy has continued being defined down by this current president."

The Washington Post's lead article on Bush's passing bemoaned: "'Honorable, gracious and decent': In Death, Bush Becomes a Yardstick for President Trump." Yes, it's a virtue-signaling yardstick to wallop Trump with in hopes of beating him into Beltway media submission.

Over at CNN, correspondent Jamie Gangel derided Trump's somber visit to the U.S. Capitol to pay his respects as Bush 41's casket arrived at the rotunda to lie in state. Gangel trashed Trump's ceremonial salute to Bush as "theatrical" and rejected veteran Beltway commentator David Gergen's assessment that Trump deserved credit for his decorum.

"I'm concerned that we shouldn't give credit to someone for not kicking dirt on the grave of a person who just passed away," said Jeffery Engel, rebuking Gergen during an interview with CNN anchor Anderson Cooper. (Yes, that's the same Cooper who demonstrated his commitment to civil discourse by infamously mocking tea party conservatives by using a degrading slang term for an oral sex act — also in an interview with poor David Gergen.)

Let's stop pretending and give the historical whitewash a rest. This isn't about celebrating "civility." It's about weaponizing "civility." The newfound fans of the Bush clan spent years demonizing them as bloodthirsty warmongers and dynastic oppressors. Bush the Younger was lambasted as a "chimp," beheaded in protest posters, and assassinated in off-Broadway plays. When liberals now praise the Bushes' "civility," what they are actually rewarding is the GOP establishment's capitulation to liberal principles of big government and elitist comity.

Trump on France Chaos: 'End Paris Agreement, Return Money to People'



U.S. President Donald Trump has weighed in on the growing chaos in Emmanuel Macron’s France, calling it “very sad” and suggesting it is time the scrap the Paris climate agreement and “return money back to the people in the form of lower taxes”.

Macron, who has became a hero to left-liberals and something of a globalist poster boy after he bucked a populist surge on both sides of the Atlantic to win the French presidency, saw his poll rating crumble to 18 percent and his people out on the streets in their tens of thousands after he imposed a “green” fuel tax which fell heavily on rural people and the working class.

The essentially leaderless Gilets Jaunes, better known as the “Yellow Jackets” or “Yellow Vests” to English-speakers, have blocked roads and come out onto the streets of Paris in their thousands four weekends in a row now, and already forced the French leader to abandon the tax rise — but this has not been enough to mollify an increasingly revolution-minded populace, requiring him to deploy thousands of regular and paramilitary police to try and contain protests which have begun to take on the appearance of a civil insurrection.

“Very sad day [and] night in Paris,” observed the U.S. leader. “Maybe it’s time to end the ridiculous and extremely expensive Paris Agreement and return money back to the people in the form of lower taxes?”

President Trump suggested the United States was “way ahead of the curve” in rejecting the supposedly anti-climate change accord, noting that his country — despite its refusal to sign it — is “the only major country where emissions went down last year!”
