The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Hollywoodite Anne Hathaway: ‘My Country Gassed Children’
Posted at 11:00 am on November 30, 2018 by Alex Parker

Generally speaking, it seems, watching a celebrity try to process world events is like watching a chicken try to drive a car — they just can’t do it.

Case in point: Anne Hathaway.

In July, Anne took to Instagram to comment on the tragic murder of a woman who happened to be black. She took the opportunity to teach all white people about their privilege (here):

“The murder of Nia Wilson- may she rest in the power and peace she was denied here- is unspeakable AND MUST NOT be met with silence. She is not a hash tag; she was a black woman and she was murdered in cold blood by a white man. White people- including me, including you- must take into the marrow of our privileged bones the truth that ALL black people fear for their lives DAILY in America and have done so for GENERATIONS. White people DO NOT have equivalence for this fear of violence. Given those givens, we must ask our (white)selves- how ‘decent’ are we really? Not in our intent, but in our actions? In our lack of action?”

Therefore, all white people have power and privilege, and all fearing-for-their-lives black people do not.

Such comments by a white celebrity only serve to suggest that they 1) Have never known poor whites and 2) Don’t associate with any black colleagues (who are, of course, powerful and privileged).

Anne, by the way, is worth $35 million.

In response to the storming of the border Sunday, she provided analysis on Instagram:

“My country gassed children.”

Oh, boy. Here we go.

“There are words for my horror. To those who will immediately speak of ‘doing it the right way,’ who will ‘blame the parents for putting the children in this position,’ or say ‘they were storming the wall,’ and ‘they were throwing rocks’: the only human response to this monstrous use of force against LEGAL asylum seekers- against children- is condemnation, shame, and rage. For those that still believe in voting for the man who recommended using lethal force on families fleeing violence and persecution: this is the policy you like?”


Firstly, of course, Anne’s country did not “gas” children. Its officers threw canisters which emit unpleasant fumes and work to disperse crowds — in this case, a mob attempting to storm the U.S. border. “Gassing” is what the Germans murderously did to Jews in the Holocaust. Compared to that, tossing a canister of irritating smoke outside in order to break up a horde (here) is like farting in an elevator.

Here are a few other points:

  • All of Anne’s phrases in quotes are actually correct.
  • Tossing canisters of tear gas is not force. It makes the air unpleasant, and makes people skedaddle.
  • They are not asylum seekers. According to left-wing MSNBC, “Some of them may be eligible for asylum in the United States, but they are in the minority of this caravan” (here).
  • Storming our border is not a “legal” act.
  • I’ve said before that politics is largely one giant straw man argument. And Anne can’t spin it into gold. The answer to her question, “For those that still believe in voting for the man who recommended using lethal force on families fleeing violence and persecution: this is the policy you like?” is simple. How can people support a man who recommended using lethal force on families fleeing violence and persecution? That’s easy — He didn’t do that:
    • He didn’t “recommend” using lethal force — he gave approval to use lethal force if there is no other way, and he specified that he hopes it doesn’t come to that (here).
    • They aren’t families. As per Fox News, “The total number of migrants in Tijuana alone break down this way: 6,062 total, comprising of 3,877 men, 1,127 women and 1,058 children.”
    • As already mentioned, the vast majority of them aren’t “fleeing violence and persecution.”
The real world tried to reach out to Anne on Instagram:

“And I will vote for this man again!! You sound pathetic!!”

“I see quite a number of people in that picture who aren’t running. And yes, this is the policy I like. Storming the borders and assaulting officers is not the way you show another country you will respect its laws.”

“Cry me a river already. Shame on the parents who would drag their children over 1,000 miles on an assumption. Since you’re so outraged, why don’t you let them stay at your house??? Typical Hollywood. All talk, zero action.”

“Hilarious. Please send an invite to all these invaders.”

“Well how about we just send all of them to your house?”

“Do you slap yourself to sleep at night? Asking for a friend.”

One response was particularly good, recalling a certain 1993 Texas tragedy:

“It is the parents’ fault for putting their kids in harm’s way, knowing they were criminally trying to enter America illegally. Go study history as well! Clinton and Obama sued tear gas big time on kids…Clinton did it in Waco as part of the Waco massacre and Obamas did it dozens of times!! Two-faced morals much?”

Perhaps Anne — who I like in movies — should just enjoy her $35 million. But if she wants to take a trip to the border and show ’em how things are done, there’s a limo waiting. With a rooster as chauffeur. Cock-a-doodle-doofus.

I wonder if this group is right or left leaning?
Antifa Attacks and Maces Group of Marines

Posted at 8:24 pm on November 29, 2018 by Alex Parker

There’s a meme going around that shows a gaggle of masked Antifa members wreaking havoc with the caption, “You know you’ve lost perspective with you think these are the good guys.”

Pretty solid point.

In Philadelphia, a group of men from the United States Marine Corps Reserve were confronted by Antifa members and called “Nazis” and “white supremacists.” Additionally, the soldiers were assaulted and maced.

On top of that, the Antifa goons robbed one of them.

In order to capture the assailants, the Philadelphia Police Department put out the following report:

On Saturday, November 15, 2018, at approximately 3:20 pm, the complainants, who are United States Military Reservists, were on the 100 block of S. Front Street, when they were approached by numerous males and females.

The group of suspects called the complainants “Nazis,” and “White Supremacists.” The suspects then maced the complainants, and then proceeded to punch and kick them. During the assault, one of the complainant’s had his cell phone stolen from him by one of the male suspects.

The attack occurred near a We the People rally. WTP’s site describes its mission thusly:

At a time when our nation’s charter is under attack on multiple fronts, We the People must reclaim our Constitution and stand up for the rights and values it embodies. We must pledge to continue to make its promises a reality for all. … At a time when our nation’s charter is under attack on multiple fronts, We the People must reclaim our Constitution and stand up for the rights and values it embodies. We must pledge to continue to make its promises a reality for all. Please join us as we celebrate our Constitution and raise our voices together in support of the just, equal, inclusive country we can build together.

The rally’s Facebook Event page described it this way:

This event is for all Patriots, Militia, 3%, constitution loving Americans, pro good cop, pro ICE, pro law and order, pro life, pro American value, pro gun and anti illegal immigration…. Will you stand with us? ITS TIME TO SHOW PHILLY WHAT PATRIOTISM REALLY IS!!

I’m far from familiar enough with We the People to comment on them, but I’d like to point out coverage of their position by The Daily Dot, which I believe is a great example of en vogue left-wing sleight of hand. Firstly, The Dot quoted the above description in its article about the rally. However, the article’s subheading read quite differently:

The Three Percenters are throwing a pro-Trump, pro-gun, anti-immigration ‘We the People’ rally in Philadelphia, but say it isn’t white nationalist.

Notice: Being against illegal immigration is now “anti-immigration.” Judging by the Left’s language and what they mean, actual immigration no longer exists. “Illegal immigration” is the new “immigration.”

Just pitiful.

It is, of course, the Left who are anti-immigration. Immigration is a legal system; going against that system, in fact, constitutes an anti-immigration position. The manipulation of language is upon us (here, here, and here).

Similarly averse to the definition of words, Antifa is, obviously, a fascistic horde (here).

And part of that horde shamefully attacked, maced, and stole from Marines.

Last week, one of the criminals turned himself in: 33-year-old Tom Keenan. He’s been charged with two counts of terroristic threats, two counts of criminal conspiracy, two counts of aggravated assault, two counts of simple assault, and two counts of reckless endangerment.

He’s been released on bail and will be in court on December 6.

Let’s hope all of Keenan’s accomplices are found.

See video below of the suspects and the police’s description. For examples of Antifa’s violence, please watch the second video (WARNING: LANGUAGE).

Verified account @senorrinhatch 3h3 hours ago

The Supreme


7:11 AM - 30 Nov 2018