If we could obtain just one of those year old, thin recycled plastic bottles, factory sealed which was at best purinated water*, would you honestly now, be willing to drink it’s entire contents in a hermetically sealed mayonnaise jar on the porch of Funk and Wagnall since noon today, without any ability to receive any medical care, treatment, ambulatory services or any dilution from fresh water or other abatement sources of any description of any kind?
*It is my understanding from several experts in the field of molds, bacteria and other fungi, seriously, that the primary and near total cause of bottled water being at significant risk of contaminants is the bacterial integrity of the “clean” bottle, not the water added thereafter, where nasty bacterial contaminants go first from the ubiquitous nominal status that human digestive systems can since time immemorial fight off via white blood cells, etc., to any level of toxic and life threatening levels of contamination.
Experts in this field have consistently told me that tap water (not in Flint, MI, my addition) is a safer source of water than factory sealed water from any municipal through artesian mountain well sources.**
**a shame, frankly, that my profession and specialty therein has been one that involves learning all sorts of mundane but interesting tidbits of trivia that actually are factually accurate.
Drink up?
You may use Google to research before answering, but I must insist on our gentleman's agreement to be honest with one another on this bet.***
***Fiji Water, I’d told, is the most dangerous “bottled pure” water to expect is pure. I’m told it was likely quite wonderfully pure just before it was filled on Fiji. But the empty bottles that were unsealed, opened and sitting inside the Fiji warehouse? Then the weeks from packing, crating, container ship stacking, sailing to their port of entry to US, train and or trucked to distribution facilities in God know’s where Utah, then trucked to San Diego, then light truck delivered to your Oceanside Ralph’s? Say no more.