In summary, the uncontroverted written record above, establishes as a matter of fact, that 4nos vehemently, or more vibrantly stated in his own distinctly crass use of expletive laden verbiage, viscerally abhors a person that blames their wife for their own misdeeds.
In my case, I have satirically created a false narrative of blaming “my wife” for a posting on an obscure soccer website that contains a purely non-soccer thread that perhaps a dozen people read with varying degrees of personal interest, humor, outrage, invective, and in at least one instance, insanity.
From this, that particular insane person has now, beyond all reasonable doubt, provided a permanent written record of abject scorn for anyone that would seek to blame their wife for transgressions alleged against them, rather than own their misdeeds, or assert their fifth amendment right against self incrimination, as it may relate to federal felony criminal charges.
So 4nos, what do you make of this Duncan Hunter, Jr. thing?