Barking up the wrong tree.Killary!!!
Weisselberg has ALL the dirt on Killary!!!
AMI has a vault full of dirt on Killary!!!
She's going to be Locked! Up!
You sheeple don't recognize the scope and scale of Trump's brilliance.
He is lulling everyone in the Obummer/Killary orbit into a false sense of sanctimony by giving telling Mueller to give his CFO immunity from prosecution because - and here is how deep the Obummer/Killary deep state really goes - Weisselberg was WORKING FOR THE DEEP STATE! This whole time he has been directing a vast criminal conspiracy to entrap Trump when he eventually got a chance to Make America Great Again, because Wiesselberg HATES America! And hates GREATNESS! And loves Killary!!!! (and is probably Obummer's lover too.)
But the mask is being ripped off!
Killary is going DOWN!!!!!!
And I'm so happy about that. Finally.
Go back and study the riddle again, sherlock.