The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Yeah, save America for those that wish to strip-mine it's resources* for their own profit, aka himself, his admin and his new fond wealthy friends.

*The American working class and any pockets of wealth that can be harvested. The American market is open and will go to the highest bidder (or someone with the means to blackmail and extort).
There is that lie you were asking for yesterday, again.
Mr Honesty.
I suppose it was inevitable that t's vision for American is finally exposed as a grumpy old man shouting "Get off my lawn!"
There is that lie you were asking for yesterday, again.
Mr Honesty.
You seem to be unable to distinguish opinion from a statement.

As far as Trump's ultimate agenda certain things are known, Russia helped him and wants to help them. The tax bill, "his tax bill", has great advantages for the already greatly advantaged and no so much for the currently disadvantaged. Scott Pruitt is still in the admin because he is doing what Republicans have always wanted to do, decimate the EPA by putting those the EPA is supposed to regulate in charge of the EPA.
Trump and his surrogates blatantly lie everyday, by the minute, it's a proven fact. You are a clown, Trump is a clown, most of the admin are clowns and this presidency is a joke. America will win, your kind will lose.
You seem to be unable to distinguish opinion from a statement.

As far as Trump's ultimate agenda certain things are known, Russia helped him and wants to help them. The tax bill, "his tax bill", has great advantages for the already greatly advantaged and no so much for the currently disadvantaged. Scott Pruitt is still in the admin because he is doing what Republicans have always wanted to do, decimate the EPA by putting those the EPA is supposed to regulate in charge of the EPA.
Trump and his surrogates blatantly lie everyday, by the minute, it's a proven fact. You are a clown, Trump is a clown, most of the admin are clowns and this presidency is a joke. America will win, your kind will lose.
You seem to be unable to distinguish a lie from the truth.
Read the link scaredy cat.
Russians Fight Back
Mueller indicted 13 Russian individuals and three entities in February on charges of violating criminal laws with the intent to interfere with the U.S. election through the manipulation of social media.

None of the targets are in the U.S., but one of them, the Internet Research Agency, has forced Mueller into another legal fight in federal court. The two sides have been sparring most recently over how to protect sensitive investigative materials from disclosure. Mueller has enlisted prosecutors with the U.S. Attorney’s office in Washington to handle the case.

Hiring people to take the cases that don't have anything to do with Trump.
North Korea’s official media drop their hostility toward Trump and the US
Andrew Malcolm Jul 05, 2018 9:21 AM

Will the US MSM follow suit?