How do you make America great again?
• By insulting and alienating long-term allies that supported the U.S. in Desert Storm and Afghanistan.
• By starting a trade war which causes price injuries to U.S. citizens. We will pay more for imported goods, oil, steel and aluminum, and lose revenue on exports including grain, dairy products, pork and whiskey.
• By increasing our national debt with $1.5 trillion in permanent tax cuts for corporations, huge tax cuts for the wealthy and temporary tax cuts for working people.
• By extracting children from their parents who are trying to escape violence in their countries instead of using our troops to help stop the violence in those countries.
• By treating women as chattel to be groped, ridiculed and used as desired.
• By encouraging racism and promoting hatred.
• By withdrawing from previous treaties and accords (i.e. the Paris agreement, NAFTA and Iran deal), showing no concern for the damage it does to the trustworthiness of the U.S.
• By insulting and alienating long-term allies that supported the U.S. in Desert Storm and Afghanistan.
• By starting a trade war which causes price injuries to U.S. citizens. We will pay more for imported goods, oil, steel and aluminum, and lose revenue on exports including grain, dairy products, pork and whiskey.
• By increasing our national debt with $1.5 trillion in permanent tax cuts for corporations, huge tax cuts for the wealthy and temporary tax cuts for working people.
• By extracting children from their parents who are trying to escape violence in their countries instead of using our troops to help stop the violence in those countries.
• By treating women as chattel to be groped, ridiculed and used as desired.
• By encouraging racism and promoting hatred.
• By withdrawing from previous treaties and accords (i.e. the Paris agreement, NAFTA and Iran deal), showing no concern for the damage it does to the trustworthiness of the U.S.