The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Morning Joe and Mrs schmo are shitting themselves this morning, it reminds me of election night.
Too funny, they can't give the guy anything.
Just in time for the midterms.
Morning Joe and Mrs schmo are shitting themselves this morning, it reminds me of election night.
Too funny, they can't give the guy anything.
Just in time for the midterms.
Trump gave away all his bargaining chips, undercutting SK and angering our military leaders just so he could "have a friend".
Who told you that nonsense?

There is the actual written and signed agreement, which has nothing substantial in it and has no force in law for either side. Then there is t's statement after the fact that the US-South Korea military exercises are to be held no more - a unilateral gift to Kim.

The art of the deal.
There is the actual written and signed agreement, which has nothing substantial in it and has no force in law for either side. Then there is t's statement after the fact that the US-South Korea military exercises are to be held no more - a unilateral gift to Kim.

The art of the deal.
So the signed agreement means nothing...and the statement regarding military exercises means everything...?
Interesting bit of logic there Magoo.
I'm still waiting to hear what it was Trudeau said that was so offensive to the cry baby in chief, offending him and his spokesmen? So far crickets . . .

Donald J. Trump


PM Justin Trudeau of Canada acted so meek and mild during our @G7 meetings only to give a news conference after I left saying that, “US Tariffs were kind of insulting” and he “will not be pushed around.” Very dishonest & weak. Our Tariffs are in response to his of 270% on dairy!

4:04 PM - Jun 9, 2018
WOW! How offensive is THAT!OMG! "kind of insulting"! He does deserve a special place in hell for going against our supreme leader, he who is NOT to be stood up to! The nerve of that man politely discussing the insanity of claiming Canada is a security risk! Trump needs to bully up and take that wimps milk money!
Seems we have come down to Trump's base believing and going along what ever he says, whatever narrative he puts out there no matter how illogical. No questions asked, just excuses and deliberate ignorance.