The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Microsoft founder and billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates described meeting President Donald Trump for the first time and being struck by how he didn't know the difference between HPV and HIV, but could recall his daughter's appearance in a "scary" amount of detail.

In a recording of a recent event for staff of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation that was obtained and aired by MSNBC’s All in with Chris Hayes show on Thursday, Gates admitted that he had avoided Trump when they both happened to be at the same event during the 2016 presidential campaign, but he eventually met the then president-elect in New York in December 2016.

And then about 20 minutes later he flew in on a helicopter to the same place. So clearly he had been driven away, but he wanted to make a grand entrance in a helicopter,” he said.

“So when I first talked to him, it was actually kind of scary how much he knew about my daughter’s appearance," he continued, as some members of the audience audibly groaned. "Melinda [Gates’s wife] didn’t like that too well,” he added.
Microsoft founder and billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates described meeting President Donald Trump for the first time and being struck by how he didn't know the difference between HPV and HIV, but could recall his daughter's appearance in a "scary" amount of detail.

In a recording of a recent event for staff of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation that was obtained and aired by MSNBC’s All in with Chris Hayes show on Thursday, Gates admitted that he had avoided Trump when they both happened to be at the same event during the 2016 presidential campaign, but he eventually met the then president-elect in New York in December 2016.

And then about 20 minutes later he flew in on a helicopter to the same place. So clearly he had been driven away, but he wanted to make a grand entrance in a helicopter,” he said.

“So when I first talked to him, it was actually kind of scary how much he knew about my daughter’s appearance," he continued, as some members of the audience audibly groaned. "Melinda [Gates’s wife] didn’t like that too well,” he added.
Maybe you people were used to this, but

Microsoft founder and billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates described meeting President Donald Trump for the first time and being struck by how he didn't know the difference between HPV and HIV, but could recall his daughter's appearance in a "scary" amount of detail.

In a recording of a recent event for staff of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation that was obtained and aired by MSNBC’s All in with Chris Hayes show on Thursday, Gates admitted that he had avoided Trump when they both happened to be at the same event during the 2016 presidential campaign, but he eventually met the then president-elect in New York in December 2016.

And then about 20 minutes later he flew in on a helicopter to the same place. So clearly he had been driven away, but he wanted to make a grand entrance in a helicopter,” he said.

“So when I first talked to him, it was actually kind of scary how much he knew about my daughter’s appearance," he continued, as some members of the audience audibly groaned. "Melinda [Gates’s wife] didn’t like that too well,” he added.

Another load of Crap slung by the Forum Rodent....

Go wash your hands ya sick prick......
QUOTE="nononono, post: 197542, member: 187"Mueller is going to JAIL !

74 Year old Ex- Marine who completely destroyed his
reputation for what ?

Helping Hillary Rodham Clinton sell Uranium to Russia
and then hiding the crimes thru a massive coverup that
involved a coup d'é·tat to take down a duly elected President
by fabricating crimes thru a manufactured Investigation
that involved the very country that he and many other
top level Scumbags received money from.....Involving
one's self with a KNOWN criminal such as HRC says a
lot about what little character you have.......
Makes you REALLY wonder :
What kind of Criminal People are saturated thru out
our United States Govt ......Holy Shit !


I'm am quoting myself because TODAY the Mueller Band of Clowns
made absolute pathetic FOOLS of themselves in Court...

A. None..I repeat NONE of the Russians indicted in the " Troll Farm "
accusations are REAL...Get That ! None of them are REAL !
They made them ALL up !

B. This Rhee character of a Lawyer babbled on about this Massive amount
of data they wanted submitted to the Court....The Data is absolute NONSENSE !

Mueller and His Band of Complete Idiots have been exposed !
The Manafort Case will be Thrown out by another Judge...
Just as all of Andrew Weissman's previous cases where....
The Flynn case is about to be Thrown out....It's a complete
set up to frame Gen Flynn because HE EXPOSED Crimes !!!!
Gates's Case will be Thrown out by an Honest Judge also !!!

Mueller is Going to JAIL and possibly Micheal Avenatti for
receiving information from the SDNY AG's Office in regards to
Cohen's Information.....Also who authorized the release of the
SAR's other words WHO was the Criminal who gave the
ok to the Rat Officer....

This is just one microcosm of a MUCH BIGGER scheme these Filthy
Democrats have been up to !

When The BIG HAMMER FALLS, you will see Democratic Cockroaches
scattering to the far corners of the Planet !!!!!

I am just searching for liberals with 1 original thought,
Ana Navarro: Trump is doing what the Nazis did by calling people “animals.” Also Ana Navarro: Trump is an animal.
Allahpundit May 18, 2018 2:01 PM
Top Pick

“It’s what slave owners did. It’s not what Americans do.”
Microsoft founder and billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates described meeting President Donald Trump for the first time and being struck by how he didn't know the difference between HPV and HIV, but could recall his daughter's appearance in a "scary" amount of detail.

In a recording of a recent event for staff of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation that was obtained and aired by MSNBC’s All in with Chris Hayes show on Thursday, Gates admitted that he had avoided Trump when they both happened to be at the same event during the 2016 presidential campaign, but he eventually met the then president-elect in New York in December 2016.

And then about 20 minutes later he flew in on a helicopter to the same place. So clearly he had been driven away, but he wanted to make a grand entrance in a helicopter,” he said.

“So when I first talked to him, it was actually kind of scary how much he knew about my daughter’s appearance," he continued, as some members of the audience audibly groaned. "Melinda [Gates’s wife] didn’t like that too well,” he added.
So what’s the difference between HPV and