The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Pretty funny --

t, in his infinite wisdom, believes she will be his successor. They are trying to make her look legit . . . unlike her father who did it all with bluster and bullshit. She doesn't possess the golden tongue. Her greatest skill is she is t's daughter.
t, in his infinite wisdom, believes she will be his successor. They are trying to make her look legit . . . unlike her father who did it all with bluster and bullshit. She doesn't possess the golden tongue. Her greatest skill is she is t's daughter.

'I can understand t promoting her, but why CES? Was Carly not available?
t, in his infinite wisdom, believes she will be his successor. They are trying to make her look legit . . . unlike her father who did it all with bluster and bullshit. She doesn't possess the golden tongue. Her greatest skill is she is t's daughter.

Ivanka IS NOT going to be the next Presidential candidate for the Republican or Democratic Parties....
Not a Chance in Hell...
The next Candidate if Trump wins in 2020 for 2024 will be a " REAL " moderate Republican, probably
some individual who can stave off the Crazy Progressives for another four years while the last of
the Deep State Debris is eventually removed from lifetime positions. Making room for a more
" conventional " political atmosphere that is conducive to continued progress of America's newly

established economic presence at the top..!