The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Meanwhile, Don the Con is saving more coal...

U.S. Coal Giant That Pressed Trump for Bailout Faces Default
By Will Wade and Rick Green
October 2, 2019, 1:50 PM PDTUpdated on October 3, 2019, 6:05 AM PDT
  • Murray failed to make multiple payments to lenders on Monday
  • Miner has struck forbearance agreements that expire on Oct. 14
Murray Energy Corp., the U.S. coal giant that had pressed the Trump administration for help averting bankruptcy, may be headed toward default.
Meanwhile, Don the Con is saving more coal...

U.S. Coal Giant That Pressed Trump for Bailout Faces Default
By Will Wade and Rick Green
October 2, 2019, 1:50 PM PDTUpdated on October 3, 2019, 6:05 AM PDT
  • Murray failed to make multiple payments to lenders on Monday
  • Miner has struck forbearance agreements that expire on Oct. 14
Murray Energy Corp., the U.S. coal giant that had pressed the Trump administration for help averting bankruptcy, may be headed toward default.
Pocketing tax payer money is what they do. Saving big coal owners who were donors is all that is happening.
My favorite is the stupid people buying into the line “the president has the right to investigate corruption anywhere.” They’re too dumb to think that, of all the corruption everywhere in the world, he chose to ask a country who was very eager for our hundreds of millions (we give it them so they can spend it on our military contractors, so it’s really a subsidy to our defense contractors, of course), to specifically investigate his main opponent. He knows how stupid his supporters are, so they’ll repeat his claims about “corruption.”
Pocketing tax payer money is what they do. Saving big coal owners who were donors is all that is happening.
So the owners go bankrupt and stay rich, a la Trump, and it’s their creditors who get screwed.
Again, Trump supporters are too dumb to understand even that.
We are very fortunate that Don the Con is so corrupt, greedy and narcissistic, that he is going to take a cake-walk to re-election - had he just shut his mouth, gave a few rallies and played nice - and make it a real contest. Cause he just can't not do crime. It's impossible for him not to take more and more until it's all gone, and then he tries to sell the shell.

He's such a piece of work. Kek.
We are very fortunate that Don the Con is so corrupt, greedy and narcissistic, that he is going to take a cake-walk to re-election - had he just shut his mouth, gave a few rallies and played nice - and make it a real contest. Cause he just can't not do crime. It's impossible for him not to take more and more until it's all gone, and then he tries to sell the shell.

He's such a piece of work. Kek.
Is that why he's still El Presidente?
We'll talk after the next election.
I hope you take it better than the last one.