On June 19, 2018, Lewandowski appeared on
Fox News alongside Democratic strategist Zac Petkanas. When Petkanas mentioned a case of a 10-year-old immigrant girl with
Down syndrome who had been forcibly taken away from her mother under the
Trump administration family separation policy and allegedly put in a cage, Lewandowski responded "
womp, womp" (an
onomatopoeia for the "sad trombone" sound effect that often accompanies a comedic failure), which angered Petkanas and received widespread criticism from various sources.
[72][73] Former Fox News contributor
Meghan McCain commented: "This is so horrible, even by Lewandowski standards."
[72][74] Appearing on Fox News on June 20, Lewandowski refused to apologize for the remark and instead reiterated his belief that undocumented aliens are criminals who should be held accountable.
On June 20, 2018, Lewandowski was dropped by Leading Authorities, Inc., a speakers bureau based in Washington D.C.
On June 27, 2018, Lewandowski revisited the topic of the 10-year-old immigrant on
CNN, asserting, contrary to the available evidence, that the "10-year-old that was separated at the border was separated because her mother was a member—or a potential member—of a child-smuggling ring.” However, U.S. Customs and Border Protection said she was a "material witness", not being charged with illegal entry
Lewandowski is a special kind of scumbag. It's not surprising that Bruddah looks up to such an asshole. Birds of a feather Izzy.